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Q: Bacteria that use chemicals like sulfur as an energy source are considered?
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What is the source of energy is used chemosynthesis?

The source of energy that is used in chemosynthesis is the chemicals.

Why do chemosynthetic bacteria not need the sun to live?

They utilize different chemicals eg. NH3 , S , Fe etc. as source of energy, hence they need not sun energy directly .

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Is a solar energy system considered as a blue energy source or a green energy source?

green energy source

Why are natural chemicals considered safer than industrial?

Because people are morons. Chemicals are chemicals, and the source is chemically irrelevant.

How are photoautotrophs and photoheterotrophs?

Photoautotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and carbon dioxide (as part of photosynthesis) as their carbon source. These bacteria thus obtain all their nourishment through photosynthesis Photoheterotrophs: Bacteria that use sunlight as their energy source and organic compounds from the environment as their carbon source.

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Is chemical energy a renewable energy source?

natural chemical energy is a renewable one, but man made chemicals are not....

How is an autotroph different from a chemotroph?

An autotroph uses co2 as primary carbon source where as chemotroph uses chemicals as primary energy source. Chemotrophs also require a source of organic nutrient, and autotrophs would be considered a photosynthesizer.

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How does glucose concentration affect the growth of bacteria?

the greater the conentraion, the faster the growth of bacteria. it is an energy source.