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butter and milk mixed HA Ha HA HA (just kidding)

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14y ago
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13y ago

add 2 tablespoons lemon juice per 2 cups milk

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10y ago

Instead of buttermilk, you can use heavy cream, half and half, mayonnaise, or marscapone cheese.

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10y ago

An easy, simple, and fast substitute for buttermilk is to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to regular milk, and let it sit for 5 minutes before you add it to the dish that you are preparing.

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Q: Baking a cake calls for buttermilk you do not have butermilk what can you use?
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Can you use buttermilk instead of sour cream in cake recipe?

Buttermilk has a different acidity than whole milk. If used in a cake mix that calls for whole or 2% milk, a teaspoon of baking soda should be added to balance the acid in the buttermilk.

Can you combine baking soda and baking powder to cup cake and what is amount of two?

Baking soda is already an ingredient of baking powder so by mixing the two you would be simply changing the proportion of baking soda to baking powder. It will make no real difference to the outcome if you make up the volume of raising agent the recipe calls for with any proportion of baking powder to baking soda. As a safeguard you may like to add a teaspoon of white vinegar or a tablespoon of yoghurt or buttermilk to a cupcake recipe made with baking soda - the acid in the vinegar/yoghurt/buttermilk will react with the Soda to release carbon dioxide which will make you cupcakes rise.

Can milk be used in place of buttermilk if not what can be substituted?

Buttermilk is actually an acid base. (vinegar+milk). If you use them interchangeably you may create an awesome science experiment (baking soda/powder) but not a Yummy cake!

Can Buttermilk be substitued for oil in baking a cake?

No, your cake will have a strange texture. You can substitute mayo or apple sauce for oil though. You could even use butter, but I am guessing you are trying to get a low fat recipe?

What happens to the cake recipe if you use baking soda instead of baking powder?

Baking powder and baking soda are not directly interchangeable. If baking powder is used, one should reduce the amount of salt in the recipe, as well as reduce or eliminate any added acidic ingredient such as vinegar or lemon juice; replace buttermilk with regular milk.

What is the purpose of baking soda in the baking of a cake?

Not every recipe calls for baking soda, but for the ones that do it interacts with the flour to rise and expand the cookies or cake.

Is chocolate buttermilk cake Italian?


Which sentence is the best the baking cake is in the oven or the cake is baking in the oven?

The cake is baking in the oven.

Can you use self rising cake flour if a recipe calls for baking mix for a coconut custard pie?

No. Listen to the recipe. It is all powerful.

Which make pancakes rise baking soda or baking powder?

There is moisture within the cake batter before it is baked. This comes mostly frow water, but also from milk and eggs and oil. As the cake is baked, the heat rises. This causes the moisture in the cake batter to turn to steam. Steam rises, but there is no place for it to escape. This causes the cake to puff up. Also, when the liquid cake batter cooks into a solid, it does naturally expand slightly, too.

Is eating a banana equivalent to eating a loaf of bread?

Although banana cake and banana bread have similar ingredients, they are very different in the way they are made and how the final product comes out. Banana cake is lighter in texture and is usually leavened with baking soda and buttermilk. Banana Bread is heavier and moister with baking powder and soda to help it rise.

Why wont baking soda work when a recipe calls for baking powder?

Actually, both are activated by moisture( just a fun fact), but they are used under different conditions.Because baking powder contains baking soda. Also because baking soda does not contain the acidity to make a cake rise.