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Q: Baloney is named for Bologna but it's based on that city's true Italian sausage a pork sausage with lard pieces that's very popular in Brazil What is it?
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How do you spell bolonie?

The finely-ground American sausage is spelled bologna, or more rarely boloney or baloney.The spelling baloney is often used to mean nonsense or a fabrication.

What is baloney?

Baloney is a variety of smoked sausage, also known as bologna.

How do you spell balonia?

The sausage product is usually spelled bologna (variants are baloney, boloney).*The derivative slang word is spelled baloney and means nonsense, or false, erroneous information.

How do you spell bullonie?

The name for finely ground sausage is spelled bologna.(The slang term for nonsense, pronounced the same, is baloney.)

Where does baloney come from?

Bologna gets its name from a town in Italy of the same name. They were the first people to make a sliced sausage with lard cubes, which they call mortadella, but closely resembles bologna.

Where did pickled bologna originate from?

I don't have any evidence for this claim, but I'm pretty sure it's German. Pickled bologna is often referred to in the Midwest as "a Michigan thing". It's roots in Michigan culture come from Koegel's Meats - a meat company started by a German man who immigrated to the US and then to Flint, MI. Koegel's has been around for 100 years and they are responsible for pickled bologna madness that Michiganders have become known for.

What is a sentence for the word baloney?

I can give you several sentences.That's baloney!I love a baloney sandwich.Baloney is a type of sausage.

Why is bologna spelled so funny?

It isn't spelled funny - it's pronounced funny. The sausage we know as bologna originated in Bologna, Italy, and is (to be stuffy) properly pronounced boh-LO-nuh. Common American usage adapted that into "baloney", which is so widespread it is futile to try and change it. The reason manufacturers don't put the word "baloney" on the label is because that word also means "nonsense" or "horse hockey" in colloquial English.

What is meat with skin around it?

That would be sausage, or bologna.

What is balogan made of?

"Balogun" is a surname from Yaruba. If the question concerns the sausage "bologna,"often pronounced "baloney," it is made of very finely ground meat (poultry, beef or pork) combined with salt, spices and preservatives.

What is the meaning of bolonie?

Boloney is an American slang word meaning 'garbage' or similar. It is derived from the true word 'bologna', an Italian sausage.

What is the name of a Seasoned smoked sausage 7 letters a o e?
