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Q: Based on the distribution of these molecules what would most likely happen after a period of time?
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Can you get pregnant on her period?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

Can you period get you pregnant?

It is possible but does not happen often. Its more likely to happen to a girl who's periods are irregular.

When are women more likely to conceive?

Women are most likely to conceive at the time of ovulation. Ovulation can happen a week after your period until your next period.

You heard you cant get pregnant on your period is that true?

no. you ALWAYS have a chance of gettin preggers. its just less likely to happen on you're period

Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period and also which is pregnancy most likely to happen during your period or with a condom?

Yes you can get pregnant on your last day of your period and if the condom is on right and doesn't break or slide off it's most likely to get pregnant on your period.

Can you be pregnant and get a negative result 10 days after your missed period?

Yep. It is not very likely, but it can happen.

What is most likely to happen if teratogens are introduced during the germinal period of development?

The zygote will not implant on the uterine wall.

What if you do get pregnant a day after your period?

It's less likely than at other times, but it can happen, and the baby can be carried to term.

What is piecemeal distribution?

Piecemeal distribution is when assets are released over a period of time. They are released over a period of time depending on the conditions of the market.

Can you get pregnant if your on birth control pills but the man ejulates in you the week of your period?

Sex can lead to pregnancy, but sex while using BCPs is less likely to happen, on your period or not.

Can you bleed while your not in your period?

yes, if you have just started your period. Its called spotting and is likely to happen in between periods.