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Q: Because mushrooms absorb nutrients from decaying leaves they are classified as?
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Why are mushrooms not placed in the same kingdom as vegetables?

Because, unlike vegetables, which are plants, mushrooms are not plants. Mushrooms are fungi and can not make their own food but are saprophytes that absorb decaying organic matter as food.

Why mushrooms are not plants?

Mushrooms are classified as fungi and not plants because they do not photosynthesize their energy from the sun, instead obtaining it directly from the ground.

Are mushrooms autotrophic or hetertrophic?

they are heterotrophic because they eat off of others

Why is the decaying process important?

the process of decay is important because it brinks back the useful nutrients to the environment

Why aren't mushrooms classified as animals?

Ridiculous question but its because they don't move around using muscles. :)

Why are hookworms and tapeworms are classified as parasite?

A hookworm and a tapeworm are classified as parasites because they need a host to survive(get nutrients and energy)

Fungus a saprophytes?

Most mushrooms are saprophyte. Reason why is because mushrooms live on dead or decaying material. A parasite is a plant or organism that lives in or on another plant or organism

Why are decomposers such as mushrooms considered heterotrophs and not autotrophs?

Mushrooms are considered heterotrophs because they don't make their own food. Instead, they obtain their food by absorbing nutrients from decomposing organisms in the environment.

Why are mushrooms growing on top of your grandmother's grave?

Because graveyard soil tends to be rich in organic matter, there is a chance that mushrooms may grow around the graves.Specifically, the soil-dwelling critters of the soil food web die and decay. Their body parts break down and in so doing enrich the soil with nutrients such as nitrogen. The nutrients tend to stay in place in graveyard soils. So the nutrients are there to be accessed by plants - such as mushrooms - that favor nutrient-rich soils.

Is toadstool a microorganism?

No, it's not a microorganism. It's a fungi. But, if this does any good, mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of microorganisms that live on decaying lignocellulosic compounds in soil. So, they kinda are. But it's definetly a fungi. this is right , it is a fungi

Are mushrooms heterotroph?

yes they are because organisms that cannot manufacture their own food like autotrophs

What are things that eat dead or decaying objects?

The thing that eats decaying plant materials are called decomposers. They are heterotrophs and help return the nutrients to the soil.