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Don't poke the bees. This not really a question. The bees are probably gone by now. I assume you mean a swarm of bees meaning a large ball of bees attached to a limb of the tree. If you are dealing with a swarm of European Honey Bees then don't worry about it. This is a natural occurrence and the only method that bees make new hives. When a hive grows too large they raise a new queen or queens and half of the hive will go with the new queen and leave the hive. They usually will park on a limb and get into a ball while scouts go to find a new place for the hive to set up housekeeping. They will all leave as quickly as they came. Before leaving the hive they fill up on honey for the trip and this makes them quite docile as long as you don't attack them they will not bother you. I hope this helps answer your question.

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Q: Bees nest in my neighbor's tree?
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Can you knock down a bees nest?

Not if it is built into the tree as some are. If you can, RUN

What do you do if you have destroyed the bees nest but not the bees?

the bees will make a new nest nearby

Which places do honey bees mostly choose for their hives?

A hive is an artificial home for honey bees provided by a beekeeper. In the wild, honey bees will often choose to build a nest in the hollow of an old tree. In urban areas, bees will often build a nest in the eaves of someone's house.

Why do honeybees huddle in a tree?

It depends if you mean IN a tree or ON a tree. If they are IN a tree, their nest will be in a hollow IN the tree and that will be their home. If you mean ON a tree, it will mean that bees have swarmed from another nest or hive and are clinging to the tree before flying off to a permanent home, usually within 48 hours of arriving.

Where does a bumble bee live?

Bee HiveOnly domesticated honey bees live in hives. Honey bees living in the wild will usually build a nest in the hollow of a tree trunk or under the eaves of someones house. Bumble bees very often nest in holes in the ground.Honey bees can live in a hive or in a hollow tree or in the attic of a house etc.

Is bees nest a collective noun?

No, the word 'honeybees' is simply the plural form of the noun honeybee. A collective noun is a word used to group nouns that share a commonality; for example: The collective nouns for bees are a hive of bees, a swarm of bees, a cluster of bees.

Does bees have an apostrophe?

bees' nest

Is bees a collective noun?

No, the collective nouns for bees are a hive of bees, a swarm of bees, a cluster of bees. The collective noun 'nest' is used for a nest of vipers.

Are bumble bees and carpenter bees the same?

No. Different species. Carpenter Bees make a hole for their nest in soft wood. Bumble Bees either nest on the ground, or in a tunnel nest in the ground.

Where does bees lay their eggs?


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What is colony of honey bees?

a colony of bees is just a group of bees or a nest.