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softer water, easier on your eyes and swimsuits due to the fact that pure chlorine is being made without any acid or inert ingredients. it produces a perfect pH right from the unit. never have to buy chlorine or shock again! i recomment the autopilot system.

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Q: Besides making the chlorine is there any positive affect to having salt in the water?
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Chlorine resistant swimwear protects against chlorine by having a high polyester content, which does not become destroyed by chlorine. 100% polyester swimwear keeps its color and its shape, not like Spandex or nylon.

What happens when a Chlorine atom forms a chloride ion?

When a chlorine atom gains an electron, it becomes a chloride ion with a negative charge. This transformation occurs because chlorine has seven valence electrons and needs one more to achieve a stable electron configuration. As a result, the chloride ion becomes stable by attaining a full outer electron shell.

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Is having more chlorine good or bad in the water?

Chlorine is added to water to kill microorganisms such as those that cause cholera and typhoid. However, too much chlorine would be harmful to humans.

Can you be in chlorine while having a chocolate reaction?

It is unlikely that being in chlorine would affect a chocolate reaction, as the two are not typically related. If you are experiencing a reaction to chocolate, it is best to avoid consuming it and seek medical advice if symptoms persist.

What to do if chlorine gas is inhailed?

If chlorine gas is inhaled, move to fresh air immediately to avoid further exposure. Seek medical attention right away as chlorine gas can cause irritation to the respiratory system and worsen with time. Rinse any exposed skin and eyes with water, and remove contaminated clothing.