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The best way to get a knot out of under the scapula is you put the patient on their back and make them raise their arm. After that under their armpit there will be a fault that you can feel. this fault is not located on the armpit, it is located on the lower edge near the by the edge of the scapula. Sink your hand into that fault and massage it for 5-8 minutes. Just remember to go slow at first and then be firm by the end for best results.

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Q: Best way to get rid of a knot under the shoulder blade?
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How do you get rid of a knot underneath the shoulder blade?

its called a tension nodule. it happens when the muscle is constantly tensed. Answer 2: I am assuming you are not a massage therapist so I will use laymans terms. While affected person is lying face down, warm (by massaging) all of the muscles around the shoulder blade, then have the client place their forearm across their lower back this should allow some access to the area underneath the shoulder blade, make sure they communicate any pain or discomfort during this. using your fingers and the side of your hand gently massage the area that has opened up.

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If you make a sling for your arm, you tie the knot where your shoulder is. Then your arm rests in the pocket of the triangular cravat. You tie the 2 farthest corners of the cravat together with a square knot.

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A dolly knot

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Sounds like a swollen gland, but it could be a cyst. Best to have a doctor look at it.

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Your solar plexus?

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It slides apart under pressure.

Lump on your shoulder that feels like muscle?

It can be an allergical symtons. Look under; It could be a small cyst and all lumps should be checked out by your doctor. They are usually non cancerous as are plugged lymph nodes. It could also be a ruptured bicep. You need to see a doctor.

Is it possible to open a notebook when you are tied in a knot?

If you are tied in a knot, it will likely be impossible to open a notebook. It would best to get to a doctor to have yourself untied from the knot before attempting anything else.