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Q: Between nuclear fission and fussion radioactive by-product are more characteristic of which?
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Why does nuclear energy have radioactive stuff in it?

It is simply a fact that nuclear fission produces radioactive fission products

None of the products of nuclear fission of uranium are radioactive?

The answer is FALSE. Products of Nuclear fission of Uranium are highly radioactive.

Are the products of nuclear fussion radioactive?

no, but the products of fission are radioactive

What is a radioactive decay of the spent fuel?

The nuclear fission process produces a range of lighter elements as fission products, and many of these are radioactive.

What is the source of the radioactive nuclei present in spent rods?

The nuclear fission process produces a range of lighter elements as fission products, and many of these are radioactive.

What is splitting of atomic nuclei?

FISSION. nobody on this website knows the answer..... SHAME

What element is used in nuclear fission and is radioactive but is not uranium?

We can use plutonium in nuclear fission devices.

What element is used in nuclear fission and is radioactive?


Can we use a non radioactive element in fission reaction?


What is the byproduct of nuclear energy?

We generally consider nuclear fission as the "splitting" of atoms. In this process, a large atomic nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. The smaller nuclei are called fission fragments, and they are radioactive. Making nuclear energy, which we do in nuclear reactors, results in the production of large quantities of highly radioactive fission products. These byproducts require that we cool the spent fuel for long periods, and also that we store it for centuries so that the radioactive materials have a chance to decay and become less hazardous.

Is the helium nucleus a byproduct of fission?

Yes, but only if the nuclear disintegration is alpha decay. Alpha decay is only one mode of radioactive decay, and in alpha decay, a helium-4 nucleus (the alpha particle) will appear. Beta decay (two types) and spontaneous fission are also modes of radioactive decay, and different particles appear in those events. Links are provided below to Related questions that will help you sort this out.

Is used in nuclear fission is radioactive poisonous and is explosive?
