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Q: Black seeds from the pe tree are grounds to make hot seasoning?
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How do you make seasoning powder?

Seasoning powder usually come in bottles at the supermarket. However, if you want to make your own seasoning powder, you can consider mixing different seasoning powders together, which is the easiest way. You can also dry the ingredient that you want to make as seasoning powder and then mash it without water or grind in till it becomes powder.

Are pepper seeds poisonous?

Pepper seeds (or peppercorns) are not poisonous. They are ground to make ground white or black pepper. Pepper seeds from vegetables in the capsicum family are not poisonous either.

What colours make watermelon?

green, whitish green, pink or red, and black seeds.

Is a black coffee a solution?

Black coffee is not a solution, but is actually a mixture. Small particles of the coffee (and sometimes actual grounds) make it through the coffee filter and give it a uniform, black color.

What is the difference between plants that make seeds and plants that do not make seeds?

one makes seeds and another does not make seeds

What type of sunflower seeds can horses eat?

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds. (BOSS) Make sure they are all natural and have not been coated or treated with any product meant for birds.

Black Capped Chickadee roll play in the environment?

they can make alot of noise and eat alot of berries and seeds, but that's it

What plant doesn't make seeds?

Most plants make seeds but a chemical plant doesn't make seeds it makes chemicals.

How does the stigma helps to make seeds?

the stigma doesn't make seeds

Flowering plants and conifers a make spores b do not make seeds c live in cold places d make seeds?

b do not make seeds

Does cooking seeds make them grow faster?

Cooking seeds will make sure the seeds do not grow. The only seeds that need heat to germinate are some evergreen tree seeds.

Do squirrels eat Black oil sunflower seeds?

Black oil sunflower seeds are similar to striped sunflowers seeds. However, they make better bird seed because the shells are thinner and the kernels are larger and have more oil content.