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this is a common fishing spider... common to all of north America although not venomous they will bite if it feels threatened.

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If you look on the back it mite have a small violin mark where the eyes are. If it does, the its a brown recluse spider do not touch!

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A common brown house spider.

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Q: Black spider with a silver stripe on its back what type is it?
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What kind of spider has a black body with brown stripe on its back?

i think it would b a tarantula

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A black spider that has a red stripe on the back is possibly a red spotted ant mimic spider. They walk on six legs instead of eight and can be found in Arizona.

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A black widow spider is black with a red mark on it's abdomen; this might or might not be what you meant. The black widow sometimes has a red mark on her back, as well. The red backed spider of Australia, a relative of the black widow, has an orange red mark on the back.

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a spider known as a cross spider usaually found in the uk

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A garden spider, if it looks like this: Apparently a Argiope aurantia. We have them all over the place here and I've never heard of them being dangerous.

What does a silver back spider look like?

They have a silver back.

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a red back looks almost the same. But doesnt have an hourglass shape. It has a red stripe on top of its abdomen.

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Do redback spiders live in Australia?

The Red-back spider (Latrodectus hasselti) is commonly found in Australia. They are a small black venomous spider with long thin legs, and the females have a red stripe on their globular abdomen.