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Q: Bleeding and cramping 4 days after period left what causes this?
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Could having cramping for three days period is due but no bleeding yet?

yes maybe ur pregnant

Should i be cramping or bleeding?

It's normal if you are having a period, but not for any other reason. If you aren't menstruating, or if you are but the cramping lasts more than a couple of days, you need to see a doctor.

Why are you cramping after a period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Why are you cramping after period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

What could be wrong if you are cramping but not bleeding?

It's not unheard of for period like cramping to occur as early as 7-14 days before your period. However the cramping may be caused by a UTI, approaching period or even Ovulation. If the cramping is severe enough to require pain killers & your period doesn't arrive on time, then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test & also have a urine test performed for a UTI.

Could you be having implantation bleeding if you have slight cramping pain and light brown and pink bleeding for about 3 days?

Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.

Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!

You saw bleeding 17 days after the first day of your last period could this have been implantation bleeding?

Hi I'm experiencing this yesterday I was 17 days past the first day of my period and I started bleeding yesterday it was only a little when I wiped today I went to the bathroom and there is no blood I've also had bad cramping but it's only been 17 days past the first day of my last period. Could this be implantation bleeding? Help!! X

If my breast are sore and some cramping but 11 days away before period comes. I'm on a 27 day cycle.?

Sore breasts and cramping are normal at this stage in your cycle. You are probably ovulating or have just ovulated and this often causes sore breasts and cramping. If you miss your period, take a test

You have irregular periods but 2 days ago you had brown discharge and then pink when you wiped for 2 hours and was cramping like you were ON your period is this ovulation or implantation bleeding?

Based on my experience it is implantation bleeding. I had it a week before my period should arrive. But i knew i was pregnant when i had it. My husband and I are trying to conceive that's why even with a negative result i still believe i am. After 3 days of missed period true enough i was pregnant! I also had lower abdominal cramping and backpains. So goodluck!

If you had bleeding and cramping 4 days after sex but your period wasn't due for another week could it be implantation bleeding?

Implantation takes place 2 weeks after a sperm fertelizes an egg; that is 2 weeks, on average, after having intercourse.

What comes when you have a period?

Typically, one will experience mild to moderate bloating, possibly headaches and mood swings, varying degrees of cramping and of course, three to seven days of menstrual bleeding.