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We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.

Parental information:

  • Mother type O --can only be OO = contributes O gene
  • Father type B --can be BB or BO = contributes B or O gene
Baby receives one gene from each parent:
  • Baby is type BO = Type B
  • Baby is type OO = Type O
Generally speaking, the parents who are Types O and B can only have children who are also Types O and B.

HOWEVER: There is more to ABO blood typing that just the ABO gene.

There is also an inhibitory gene that will change any genotype into the phenotype O.

Therefore a person with genetically AB blood can be tested as having Type O.

If the OO parent has the inhibitory gene affecting his A, B or AB type,

then a Type AB baby is definitely possible.

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If B is homozygous (AB, BB): AB or B is possible.

If B is heterozygous (AB, iB): A, B, or AB is possible.

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The AB blood type is known as the universal recipient. Therefore, the groups that a person with this blood type can give blood to are limited. If your blood is AB+, then you can only give to others with AB+ blood. If your blood is AB-, then you can give to people with both AB+ or AB- blood.

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I am blood typr AB+ and i donate. The only type I can receive is AB+

Does type AB blood contains agglutinate A and B?

If the blood type is AB then the agglutinin would be O because agglutinin is what we do not have. Since the person has AB type blood, he/she does not have O type blood.

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More than just two blood types are not compatible with each other. The four basic types of blood are: A, B, AB, O(not counting Rh). Type A blood can only receive blood from type A and type O. However, type A blood can donate their blood to type A and type AB. Type B blood can only receive blood from type B and type O. However, type B blood can donate their blood to type B and type AB. Type AB blood can receive blood from every type, A, B, AB, and O. However, type AB blood can only donate to other AB. Type O blood can only receive blood from type O. However, type O can donate their blood to A, B, AB, and O. So, AB is the "universal" reciepient and O is the "universal" donor.

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