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You can give either A or B blood.

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Q: What type blood do you transfuse to an AB type if you have no AB blood?
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Is it safe to transfuse AB to an AB- blood patient?

you can - blood to a + but not + to a - o- is the universal blood donor because of this concept. so no.

What are the three main types of blood cells and special liquid?

Blood types are A B and O. AB is also a type of blood a person can have. Type A has antisera B and can only transfuse to others with type A blood Type B has antisera A and can only transfuse to others with type B blood Type AB blood does not have an antisera and is a universal receiver Type O has Anti sera A and Antisera B and is a universal doner <><><><> Red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma for the liquid.

Is someones blood different then a another person?

A person can have A, B, AB, or O blood types. This is why when they transfuse blood to another person they have to make sure it is the same blood type or their body rejects it.

Can AB donor be transfuse into a type O recipient?

While type O blood is known as being the universal donor, it is not a universal recipient. Type O blood can be transfused into any other blood type, but someone with type O blood could only receive a transfusion of type O blood.

Can people really transfuse?

Not sure what you mean by "transfuse" but if you are asking if they can transfuse blood the answer is yes.

If you have AB blood type what group could give blood to?

The AB blood type is known as the universal recipient. Therefore, the groups that a person with this blood type can give blood to are limited. If your blood is AB+, then you can only give to others with AB+ blood. If your blood is AB-, then you can give to people with both AB+ or AB- blood.

Why is blood type inherited by codominance?

Blood Type: AB

What blood type will the baby have with a mother with type a blood and father with type ab blood?

Possible blood types of the child with a mother who has A blood type and a father who has AB blood type are A, B, and AB. :)

What is the only blood type that can receive AB blood?

I am blood typr AB+ and i donate. The only type I can receive is AB+

Can ab- blood receive blood from any type?

The blood type AB is a universal receiver meaning it can receive blood from blood types A, B, AB, and O.

If your dad is type A blood and your mum is type B or type AB blood what is your blood type?

A,ab or b

What universal recipient blood type be?

The universal recipient blood type is AB. This blood type can receive A, B, AB, or O type bloods.