

Best Answer

1. they are both in the universe

2. they both are planets

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Q: Both Mars and Earth have what alike?
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How are Earth and Mars alike?

Both have ice at north and south poles, and both have salt. Both are also inneer and rocky planets. Bth are planets.

Are earth years and mars years alike?

yes because the both are in the same solar system

What do mars and earth have alike?

They are both "terrestrial" (rocky) planets. They both have an atmosphere. They have roughly the same land area (Mars has no oceans though). The length of a day is roughly equal on both.

How are earth and Mars are alike and different?

earth and mars are like and different because they have a atmosphere and gravity

How are the atmospheres of earth and mars alike?

There is no relation.

Which ways are Venus and mars alike but different from earth?

Both these planets have solid rocky surface like the earth but both don't have the oxygen atmosphere, water and life

How are Mars Jupiter alike?

They are alike because their climate are both cold.

How is mars and Venus alike?

they are both hot

How mars and neptune are alike?

they are both planets

How is earth and Mars alike List 4 ways?

Earth and mars are totally different. Earth is green and blue. Mars is red & brown. WE live on earth and martitans live on Mars. Mars is not cool but earth is. Earth has living things mars doesnt.!!!!

What makes mars and Neptune alike?

they are both planets

What planet is more alike to earth?

well i think mars is the closest