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Q: Boycotting tourism in Myanmar will have any effect on government policies in the country?
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What country has a stratocracy government?

Myanmar would be considered a Stratocracy.

What type of economy does myanmar have?

Myanmar(Burma) has a mixed economy.It would be market economy, but because no country has pure market economy due to government regulations, Myanmar has a mixed economy.

A government ban on trade with other countries?

When a government bans trade with other countries it can be called embargo or boycotting, depending on the circumstances. Embargo is when a government bans trade with another country in attempt to isolate it. Boycotting is when trade is ban in order to intimidate or show disapproval and need for change.

What is the former name of the country know since 1989 as mamyonr?

In 1989, the country once known as Burma had its name changed by its military government. The country is now known as Myanmar, which is short for Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

A country that has its own government but whose policies are directed by the imperial power?

Imperialism is a country that has its own government but has the policies directed by the imperial power. It means one person or government holds power over the people.

What is Myanmars?

Naypyidaw is the capital city of Myanmar.

What country is formely known as Burma?

Burma is a country located in Southeast Asia. Its named was changed by the ruling military government in 1989 to Myanmar. Some national governments including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Burmese population fail to recognize this name change as they do not recognize the military government that brought about this event.

Is Myanmar the most populous country in the world?

No. Myanmar is not the most populated country, China is. Myanmar is the 26th most populous nation, with about 50,000,000 people.

Country that shares myanmar's southern border?

Country that shares myanmar's southern border?

What is the relative location of Myanmar?

Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia, between Thailand and India.

Who decides foreign policies?

It is chosen primarily by the President and Congress

What other name is the country of Burma know as?

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar