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Q: By what process does oxygen diffuse from air into blood?
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What does oxygen diffuse into?

Oxygen diffuses from any place there is a lot of it to any place where there is less. In the body, it diffuses from the air in the alveoli of the lungs, through the lung and capillary walls and into the blood, where it is taken up by the haemoglobin of the red blood cells. When the bood reaches the body tissues it diffuses out of the blood and into the cells.

What process separates the gases you breathe?

When we breathe, the mixture or solution of gases we inspire and expire is altered in the lungs. Oxygen is absorbed by the blood from the air when we inhale, and carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the air in the lungs to be exhaled. The "separation" of gases across the blood-air barrier in the lungs is called gas exchange.

What component of air is used in the process of burning?

The oxygen.

What happens when the air and the blood mixes?

Air and blood in a medical setting, such as dialysis are not supposed to mix. When blood and air mix, the clotting process begins to occur.

Where does the oxygen from air mix with blood?

Air will not touch your blood until it is release to outside the skin. In most veins at least. Wren oxygen touches the blood, it turns red, but normally is blue. Oxygen may be circulating in your veins, but will not mix with the blood cells. The above is only half true. Oxygen mixes with your blood in the capillaries inside your lungs. The blood then transfers over to your arteries where it travels the body to deliver the oxygen to your muscles and other organs.

Related questions

What is the exchange of gases between the blood and air?

Diffusion. In the lungs, oxygen will diffuse into de-oxygenated blood (oxygen was removed from the blood in the body) and carbon dioxide will diffuse out of the blood into the lungs and expelled from your body when you breathe out.

Will O2 diffuse from air to blood or from blood to the alveolar air?

It will be absorbed from the air into your lungs. Then when it reachs the alveolus it will diffuse from the alveolus into the blood capillaries down an oxygen concentration through diffusion where it will combine with the heamoglobin in the Red Blood Cells.

What are the air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse into the blood?


What are Air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse into and out of the blood are?

The humorus

Air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse into and out of the blood are the?


Body cells receive oxygen and nutrients from food delivered by?

Blood does. It carries oxygen from the lungs with which you breath fresh air in. Then blood goes to the heart and is sent to the whole body with oxygen! Oxygen support the cells', and the body's life!

How long is blood in lung capillaries in contact with air?

Blood in the capillaries are never in direct contact with air. Blood in contact with air is called bleeding. Oxygen, carbon dioxide (and other gases) diffuse across the alveolar and capillary walls to enter the blood stream (and leave).

Because they trap oxygen from the atmosphere in the water for animals to breathe?

The lungs are the organs that "trap" oxygen from the atmosphere for animals to breath. Lungs do not really trap oxygen, however, they present a tissue to the oxygen-rich air in which the oxygen may diffuse into, where it can be captured by the hemoglobin in the blood.

How does your blood turn from Oxygenated to deoxygenated?

Your blood is never truly dexoygenated, but as it delivers oxygen to tissues the saturation of oxygen gets lower. When the blood reaches the alveoli of the lung oxygen diffuse from the higher concentration of the air to the lower concentration of the blood, where most of it binds to hemoglobin molecules.

What is the of Alveolus?

The alveolus is a air sac that holds the oxygen. It squashes the oxygen molecules so they diffuse from the alveolus into the capillary. From there, they attach themselves to deoxygenated Red Blood Cells. The oxygen in the blood plasma are also squashed and are diffused. They go from the capillary to the alveoli to get breathed out. The alveoli transfers the oxygen to the lung capillaries and oxygenates the blood, then it is breathed out as Carbon Dioxide.

What is the process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide move across the alveoli?

It is the process of simple diffusion. The movement of oxygen from a high level (in the air) to a lower level (in the blood). The opposite occurs for carbon dioxide which is higher in the blood but lower in the air.

Where does the transfer of oxygen into the bloodstream take place?

normally the oxygen transfer from the lungs to the cells through haemoglobin in most of the animals. the oxygen transfer occurs in lungs from the atmospheric air.