

Can 2 separate goldfish be put together?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You need to provide 1 gallon of water per inch of fish. Goldfish get along fine with other goldfish.

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Q: Can 2 separate goldfish be put together?
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Is it ok to put a goldfish with a bubble eye goldfish?

Yes. It should be fine. I have 2 regular goldfish living with a bubble eye goldfish and to fancy fantail goldfish, so I think it will be okay.

Can you put 2 goldfish and a betta together in a 7 gallon tank?

You could, but it is very dangerous because the beta would eat the gold fish. 🐠🐟

Can you put together common goldfish and shubunkin?

Hey there i had two common goldfish in an established fish tank which i got off a friend, i added two shubunkins to the tank and they all get along. that was 2 years ago now and they are all still fine....

Do goldfish eat other goldfish?

If they are not friendly goldfish species than they will but in general they don't. If they do than you probably don't feed them enough but that is really unlikely.yes they do. Its all a matter of size.

Can you put your new goldfish with another goldfish?

yes you can sometimes but bewere that when another goldfish is with a nother goldfish they can fight all lot even when it comes to food.if you put them together probley on of them won't last long ( like mine). somethimes if your like goldfish is female and the other ones male they sometimes can meet ( meet means marry etuther) they will have babys (top tip) baby goldfish can die if there in one little tank with no fillter.Some times the new goldfish can have jerms or cemacails if they do the other goldfish will die within probley 2 weeks. top tip allways go to a vet and say is it ok to put it in with another fish.So your other fish will stay alive.Just to say fish do fight alote so bewere its better to have only 2 tanks with one fish and after they had babys please do feed the babys and the grown ups :)

How do you feed goldfish?

best to do flake or pellets food feed 3 times a day do how many about 2 or 3 per goldfish not too much. Do tropical or goldfish food to feed goldfish. They need cold water or as warm as tropical fish in degrees. You can put tropical with goldfish.You can put goldfish outside in a pond. WARNING! DON'T PUT TROPICAL IN POND OUTSIDE OR THEY WILL DIE! I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does my plecostomus eat goldfish tail they have been together in the same tank for 2 week and he has just started to eat the goldfish tail?

Plecostomus are famous for attacking and eating goldfish! NEVER put them in a pond or aquarium together. Many people think that plecos are vegetarian, but they are omnivors. If they are hungery, they will eat what ever they can get in their mouths, and gold fish don't swim that fast! Seperate those fish or in time your goldfish will be gone! As long as you are feeding it okay then it shouldn't eat your other fish.

How many goldfish can you put in your 2-gallon tank?

You cannot put any goldfish in a 2 gallon tank.One fancy goldfish needs at minimum a 20 gallon tank on it's own. This is not just because of their adult size potential, but also because they are very messy fish and produce a high amount of waste.

What is 2 and 2 put together?

If you "put" 2 and 2 "together" you get 22. If you "add" 2 and 2 "together" you get 4. So, take your pick.

Can a common goldfish swim with a comet goldfish?

No fancy goldfish should not be housed with the more common varieties of goldfish because common goldfish are more aggressive and can swim faster which in turn would result in competition over food causing the fancy goldfish to become stressed and more susceptible to disease. Also common goldfish may damage the fancy goldfish's delicate fins by nipping at them.This (above) may be true in some cases, but I have a 15' x 8' outdoor pond with 2 fancy goldfish, 2 Sarassa Comets (goldfish) and 2 common goldfish and they all get along fine with each other as well as with my 2 Koi. I watch them eat and everyone gets enough, although the fancies are timid when it comes to getting the food. I wait until the others have eaten alot and throw out more food in their direction. Both my fancies are huge and the biggest I have ever seen anywhere.

Is a 30 gallon tank for 2 goldfish ok one of them is a fancy goldfish?

no goldfish and tropical fish cannot live together. gold fish are cold water fish and tropical fish are tropical fish. also only 2 goldfish can go in a 30 gallon, because goldfish make a lot of waste.

Is 1.5 gallon tank too small for 2 goldfish?

No, but it also depends on the size of the goldfish. I would say to go pick out 2 goldfish, put them on hold and go back home and see if you think they will fit, if you are still not sure, try bringing the tank to the petstore and ask them what they think.