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That's a hard question.I don't know.

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Q: Can A albino gecko mate with a blazing blizzard gecko?
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Can i mate a albino gecko and gecko?

Of Course

If an albino and a non-albino gecko mate will they offspring be albino?

you have a 99% chance of the gecko coming out naturally colored. The albino gene for all animals is recessive. That means that both the mother and father would have to have the recessive gene and it would be blind luck for the recessive gene to be passed on by both parents. Best way to have an albino gecko is to breed 2 albino geckos. It is still not 100% that the babies will be albinos.

Can albino dolphins mate with other dolphins?

In general, being an albino has no effect on an animal's ability to mate.

Do Gecko mate for life?

During the breeding season most male geckos will mate with multiple females. There are few gecko species that will "select" their mate, such as the R. Leacheanous.

Can a crested gecko mate with another type of crested gecko?

A crested gecko is a crested gecko, i think you may have mistaken this as morphs or you meant another species of gecko; if another species of gecko, no, if another morph yes.

Should you mate your albino guinea pigs?

well just like any other guinea pigs they can be and are allowed to mate

Can albino Oscars and tiger Oscars mate?

Yes, but i am not sure what patches of color will the baby will have.

Do fat tail geckos mate for life?

Naturally in the wild, the African fat tailed gecko will not pick one mate for life. It is common for a female to mate with multiple males during mating season. In captivity, a fat tailed gecko MAY mate with one partner for life as humans control their mating cycle.

Do animals reject difference in their own kind for example are albino animals accepted by other animals of their species?

albino animals usally have a hard time finding a mate

If you mate a dilute blue parrotlet with and albino parrotlet what colors will their offspring be?

aibino or American white

What is the purpose of the wide expansions of skin on the sides of the fringed gecko?

it helps to attract a mate

Are albino deer endangered?

Many albino animals are endangered because it is a genital mess up for example an albino deer may have all regular colored fawns even if she were to mate with an albino male so in this case yes if it were like albino mice they bred to look that way P.S. i am only twelve and this is all committed form memory from former research