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A molecule is a group of two or more atoms joined together chemically.

A molecule is the smallest part of an element or compound that can exist independently.

Molecules may be made up of atoms of the same element such as Hydrogen gas (H2 - two atoms of Hydrogen), or atoms of different elements such as Sodium Chloride (NaCl).

Substances made up of molecules consisting of atoms of different elements are called COMPOUNDS. (The word "compound" means made up of several parts.)

Some molecules are very large and may consist of hundreds, or even thousands of atoms.

The FORMULA of a substance is a way of describing the composition of the molecules of the substance. For example H2 means the smallest unit of Hydrogen gas consists of two atoms of Hydrogen combined together.


means the smallest unit of Sodium Chloride consists of one atom of Sodium combined with one atom of Chlorine. It could be written as: Na1Cl1, but it is a convention that the "1s" are never written.

A molecule of Hydrochloric acid is made up of the elements Hydrogen and Chlorine - one atom of Hydrogen and one atom of Chlorine.

A molecule of water is made of the the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen - two atoms of Hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen.

Sugar (C12H22O11) is made up of 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms and 11 oxygen atoms.

Many elements in particular the gases occur naturally as molecules e.g.

H2, O2, N2, Cl2.

NOTE: Remember that a charged atom is called an "ion". It would be more correct to say that the smallest unit of Sodium Chloride consists of one ion of Sodium and one ion of Chlorine.

To work out the formula of a compound you need to know the valency of each of its ions ...

Valency is the number of electrons an atom tends to gain, lose or share in order to satisfy the Octet Rule.

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Q: Can A molecule be made up of two or more compounds?
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Are individual atoms compounds?

No. A molecule is made up of compunds, and a compound is made up of two or more atoms.

Is a molecule a compound?

A molecule is an electrical neutral group made of two or more atoms. Also, a compound is a substance made of two or more elements. Thus a molecule can be a compound as long as it is not made of the same element.

How do you know something is a compound?

A compound is a molecule made of two or more different compounds. Therefore, if there are two elements listed in the name of a substance, it is a compound.

What is made of 2 or more atoms joined together?

A compound

Why compounds are molecules?

All compounds are made up of molecules. For example, salt, a compound, is composed of molecules (NaCl). By please do remember that molecules are not only limited to compounds. Meaning, there are also molecules that are not classified as compounds. The definition of a compound is a substance that is made up of two or more elements. A molecule is composed of two or more ATOMS connected by chemical forces. An example is oxygen air (O2). Oxygen air is a diatomic MOLECULE but it is NOT a COMPOUND.

Where are elements and compounds usually found?

In literally every single thing in the universe. Elements are the very building blocks of things. Compounds are things that are made up of more than two elements. If something is made up of two Oxygen molecules, it is not a compound. If something is made up of an Oxygen molecule, and a Carbon molecule, it would be a compound.

What is the main difference between a molecule and compound?

A molecule is formed when two or more atoms join together chemically. A compound is a molecule that contains at least two different elements. All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds.

What are all compounds made of?

All compounds are made of two or more atoms.

Why are all compounds molecules?

All compounds are made up of molecules. For example, salt, a compound, is composed of molecules (NaCl). By please do remember that molecules are not only limited to compounds. Meaning, there are also molecules that are not classified as compounds. The definition of a compound is a substance that is made up of two or more elements. A molecule is composed of two or more ATOMS connected by chemical forces. An example is oxygen air (O2). Oxygen air is a diatomic MOLECULE but it is NOT a COMPOUND.

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Two or more atoms combine to form a molecule.

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All compounds are made from how many elements?

All compounds are made of two or more elements.