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Yes, if the genotypes from the parents are AO and BO respectively. The child then inherits both the O's.

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Q: Can A positive father and B positive mother can give O positive baby?
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Can o negative mother O positive father can give o negative baby?

Blood types are based on genetic contributions from both the father and mother. Short answer, it is possible.

If mother is b plus and the father is a- could the baby be ab plus?

It's called "positive" and "negative" - yes the "A" father and "B" mother can each give a gene to produce "AB"; The Rhesus gene is either positive or negative so the baby could get either.

Can a child have o positive blood when mother and father are both A positive?

Yes. They can. If the mother and father's phenotype is AO. The O is recessive. If both parents give the O gene to their offspring then they will have an O baby. It can occur in 1 out 4 babies.

Can AB father and A mother have O baby?

Yes. The mother has to be OO And the father can be either AA or AO So the mother can give one of her O's to the baby and the father can give his O to the baby making it an OO.

Can an o positive mother and b positive father have an A negative baby?

No. A positive O blood type means that each parent has two copies of the O blood type allele and can only give an O to their baby. The baby must have the blood type O. However, it can be O positive or O negative.

Can an O positive mother and O positive father have a B negative baby?

No. A positive O blood type means that each parent has two copies of the O blood type allele and can only give an O to their baby. The baby must have the blood type O. However, it can be O positive or O negative.

Can an o positive mother and o negative father have B positive baby?

No. A positive O blood type means that each parent has two copies of the O blood type allele and can only give an O to their baby. The baby must have the blood type O. However, it can be O positive or O negative.

Can A positive mother O positive father can give A negative baby?

yes that's possible because A is dominant on O so the baby could have A (but not necessarily). negative is possible. it would mean that both parents have Dd as a rhesus factor.

Can an b negative father give birth with o positive mother?


If a mother has o and the father has a can the baby have o?

Yes If the father has only one A gene, he will be type A, but he can give the O gene to the baby.

Can a mother with a negative blood and father with o positive blood have b positive blood group baby?

No. For a person to be "O" blood type, they have a phenotype of O, which can only come about if they have a genotype of OO. If both mother and father are O's then they have no B that they can donate to the baby.

If a mother is A positive blood type and father is O positive blood type can they produce a baby with A negative blood group?

No. The child can only inherit what his parents have. If either parent had an A in his type, he could give it to the child, but the father is B and the mother has neither A nor B. (If either parent had an A, it would show up in his or her type.)