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Q: Can Anglican nuns marry
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Do nuns believe in God?

Yes, nuns are women who have chosen to dedicate their lives to serving God through prayer, contemplation, and acts of charity. Faith in God is a central tenet of their religious beliefs and their commitment to living a life of spirituality.

Why were there Catholic nuns at the altar of Westminster Abbey during the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton?

They're Anglican nuns. Westminster Abbey is part of the Church of England.

Can Church of England marry in an Anglican church?

Yes. The Church of England is part of the worldwide Anglican communion.

Describe one important difference between Roman Catholic and Anglican priests?

Easy, Catholic clergy are bishops, priests, and deacons who have been ordained into the sacrificial priesthood of Christ through the Apostolic succession, and thus carry Our Blessed Lord's mandate to minister to His people. Anglican clergy are protestants who lost apostolic succession and do not have a proper sacrificial priesthood. Please see Apostolicae Curae issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1896 on the validly of Anglican Orders:

Was Mother Teresa allowed to marry a man?

She was a sister. Sisters and nuns consider themselves to be brides of Christ. They do not marry.

Can nuns be married to more than one guy?

Nuns cannot marry at all whilst they are nuns. They can leave the convent with the permission of the Mother Superior, and therefore marry one man, but a nun would never dream of marrying more than one man. This is bigamy if she is married to two men at a time, and nuns do not believe in divorce.

Do presbitariuns have nuns?

No, There are female religious only in the Anglican or as we call it the Episcopal communion. There are female ministers or Priests and even some Bishops in this denomination now.

Can a protestant and Anglican marry?

Anglicanism is another protestant sect of Christianity, and there is no logical reason why a couple from these two denominations shouldn't be able to marry.

Can Baptist church clergy marry?

Yes. There are no restrictions on Baptists, Methodist or Anglican clergy marrying.

Could priests marry when Elizabeth was Queen?

Then as now Catholic Priests could not marry; but Anglican Priests who were not members of religious orders were allowed to get married.

Did Saint Therese the Little Flower get married?

She was a nun and nuns consider themselves to be brides of Christ. They do not marry.

Are there nuns who aren't Catholic?

as monasticism and celibate religious life is mainly a Catholic doctrine, most Nuns are RC. However , there are female religious orders in the Episcopal church- or Anglican communion if you prefer, and the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches. the order of St. Basil or Basilians is fairly well known. they had a big church-convent complex near where I used to live with a magnificent, five domed church.