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Dark matter and dark energy have NOT been detected yet, so any ideas about detecting dark energy and dark matter, whether it be directly or indirectly, is speculation for now.

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Q: Can Astronomer's directly detect dark energy and dark matter?
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You can detect energy only by the effect it has on matter?

You are made from matter, and therefore would not be able to detect energy without it having an effect on you. Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work. Without work ever being done on matter, and without energy ever being defined this way, energy would not be detected.

What is the suspected energy source of quasars and related objects?

A Quasar, or Quasi-Stellar object is the central compact region of certain galaxies from which emanates more energy than the rest of the host galaxy combined. These central regions are hence referred to as AGN's, or Active Galactic Nuclei. The question asked by astronomers was how could so much energy be generated in such a relatively small region? The generally agreed consensus among astronomers is that the central engine is a massive - or supermassive - blackhole. This is not directly visible to optical telescopes but we can detect the energy output in radio and other wavelengths. The huge amounts of energy are thought to be generated by the action of surrounding material being sucked into the black hole and being superheated by the extreme gravitational effects. As matter falls into the black hole gravitational energy is converted into the energy we can detect coming from the galaxy's central region.

What type of energy is directly involved in moving matter?

Mechanical Energy

What have Astronomers have been unable to prove that what exist?

'Dark matter' and 'dark energy' have not been observed or proven yet.

What had Astronomers have been unable to prove that it exists?

'Dark matter' and 'dark energy' have not been observed or proven yet.

How do atronomers detect dark matter?

Gravity. We cannot see or directly detect "dark matter", and the only reason why astronomers talk about "dark matter" is that galaxies like the Milky Way appear to be spinning too fast for gravity to hold them together. Or at least, for the gravity of the mass that we can SEE to hold them together. Gravity comes from matter, and we can't see enough matter, so it must be "dark matter". This may be in the form of trillions of invisibly-dim brown dwarf stars, or in black holes from which no light ever escapes - or it may be something entirely new. "Dark matter" is the something new.

Is it true that most of the both the mass and energy in the universe may take forms that you are unable to detect directly?

Yes, that's quite true! For more information, read sources such as Wikipedia on "dark matter" and "dark energy". Current estimates are that something around 68% of the mass-energy in the Universe is in the form of dark energy; 27% is in the form of dark matter; and about 5% matter of known types. Nobody really knows much about "dark energy" or "dark matter" - only that they exist.

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How do astronomers search for black holes and what are the challenges of learning about them?

There are two ways of finding black holes. They can look for the effects that their gravity has on nearby objects and they can look for X-rays emitted by matter about to fall into them. A major challenge is that black holes themselves do not emit any light, making them impossible to detect directly.

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