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It is a misconception that betta fish do not get along with other fish. While intolerant to their own species, bettas can get along with other fish so long as they are not easy to mistake for another male betta - such as fancy guppies - or fin-nipping fish like many tetras that often go for long-finned fish. Female bettas can be housed with guppies, however.

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Q: Can Betta fish co exist with other fish?
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Beta fish are solitary fish and generally will attack/annoy any other fish until they are dead. Check with your local pet shop that sell fish to inquire about what, if any, fish can co-exist with Beta. it all depends on how aggressive you betta fish is, i own two male bettas, i placed my first one in the tank with 3 other goldfishes and they get along fine, however when i replaced the 1st betta with the 2nd one, it was the more aggressive one and attacked my other fishes...... my suggestions is to buy a seperator for the betta and have it get use to the other fishes for the first couple of weeks then place them together. just a heads up, doing this can cause a betta to get stressed out, so be on a look out for simptosn of ick hello!

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What fish can live with a male betta fish?

Basically, stay away from fish that are significantly smaller than the betta as he may think "Yay! Dinner!", and avoid nipping fish, it's best to try some google links and also ask the retailers, they may not provide all the information you need, but they can provide enough that you can get to a good start. I find young cat fish about 2-4in long get along well, but beware that these fish grow large and will eat the betta once it's mouth is big enough that it'll fit. The Betta is actually a very good community fish (as long as the aquarium is large enough), and it will get along with most other species of fish. You just cannot put two Betta males together in the same tank. the only thing that really bugs a beta is other fish with big fins, it seem's that they have a complex they need to deal with. Tetras and small catfish like bristlenose and corydoras are good tank mates for fighting fish. also you cant put female betta but you have to check that they don't beat up one another

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