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Usually people who are skinny and underweight are most likely to use this drink to increase there body weight to add more weight to them. Boost has an impact over your whole body

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Q: Can Boost Plus energy drinks help you gain weight all over your body or just in certain places?
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What are the side affects of energy drinks?

weight gain and extra energy follwed by a crash about 4 hours later

What are the energy drinks helps to increase the body weight kindly specify the names?


What is something you cant eat but makes you gain weight?

Certain liquids, especially sugar flavored water, such as soft drinks, or colas, will help put on weight. A person who diets as far as food is concerned, but, drinks soft drink colas flavored with sugar will put on weight.

How can weight impact energy?

It depends on the type of energy, of course.Gravitational potential energy is equal to weight multiplied by height - so you can see that it is directly proportional to weight.Some other types of energy, such as kinetic energy, heat energy, etc., depend on the mass of an object - not on its weight. But since weight is also directly proportional to the mass, you might say that if the weight increases, certain types of energy will also increase - even though the energy is not exactly the result of the weight in this case (both the weight and the energy depend on the mass).

What kind of sports drinks are best for you?

Sport drinks that are high in electrolytes and low in sugar and sodium are the best.

If you replace food with drinks how fast can you lose weight?

loads of drinks are high in sugar so they put on weight too

Are weight loss drinks healthy?

Weight loss drinks aren't always effective. If you don't exercise, you can't loose wait.

Which is better water or energy drinks Why?

Energy drinks and water each have their own benefits. Whether which would be 'better' depends on the occassion. For outdoor activities, energy drinks may be helpful; otherwise, water would probably be good enough.Energy drinks contain chemicals, including caffeine and an excess of sugar. Therefore, it is likely that an over-consumption of energy drinks may lead of obesity due to the high sugar content. In addition, some energy drinks include artificial colourings to give it a more attractive appearance, e.g. yellow-coloured energy drinks may contain Tartrazine, which is an artificial food additive which has been linked to hyperactivity in children.However, energy drinks contains essential minerals such as sodium and so on. It replenishes our energy and also the salts in our body which have been lost through sweating. It also helps us to rehyrate and has thirst quenching effects which may be helpful to those who do outdoor activities.On the other hand, water is very important in our health. It makes up, on average, 60 percent of our body weight. Every system in our body really depends on water. Lack of water can lead us to dehydration, a certain condition that occurs when we don't have enough water in our body. Instead of drinking energy drinks we have to drink eight glasses of water every day. As they said, eight glasses of water keeps fat away.

Does red bull help you to lose weight?

It has not been proven that energy drinks help weight loss. A healthy lifestyle and diet with adequate exercise can be more what you are looking for to lose weight and/or maintain weight.

Do you use any weight loss drinks?

NO!I think those things are foolish!Who needs weight loss drinks!They do next to nothing for your body-nevermind help you lose weight!

What are two maintain the body's health?

Energy balance is important for maintaining a healthy weight. The amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks (energy IN) is balanced with the energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active (energy OUT):The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over time = weight stays the same (energy balance)More energy IN than OUT over time = weight gainMore energy OUT than IN over time = weight lossTo maintain a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT don't have to balance exactly every day. It's the balance over time that helps you maintain a healthy weight.You can reach and maintain a healthy weight if you:Follow a healthy diet, and if you are overweight or obese, reduce your daily intake by 500 calories for weight lossAre physically activeLimit the time you spend being physically inactive

Can the weight on a rocket affect the speed?

Yes. A heavier rocket will need more energy to achieve a certain speed.