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HPV is linked to the majority of cases of Cervical cancer. Fortunately most who have HPV will never get cervical cancer. It is important to understand that HPV is a very common sexually transmitted disease, and many women who have HPV will show no symptoms or have no atypical pap test.

HPV is a virus that effects superficial (surface) cells of the cervix. Most infections only disturb the outer most layers of the cervix, and go away on their own over time. It is important to have HPV tests administered by a qualified clinician to determine if there is an HPV infection and what type of HPV infection there is.

Certain types of HPV (16 and 18 to name a couple) are known to be more aggressive and attack the cells deeper in the cervix. When these cells are effected, a more worrysome process can happen.

This more risky HPV can lead to what is called a "High Grade Squamous Intraepethilial Lesion" on a Pap test. When this happens, it is important that a biopsy be done to determine how much of the cervix has been infected, and to have the infected cells removed.

As long as a patient receives appropriate Pap tests and HPV tests, the chances of getting cervical cancer are very small. (Even with a high risk HPV, appropriate clinical care can greatly reduce the risk of future cervical cancer)

The main reasons a woman gets cervical cancer is not receiving appropriate Pap tests or HPV tests, or a false negative reading from the laboratory.

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Is HPV cancer?

No. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a virus that has the potential to cause cancer and/or genital warts. Just because you have HPV does not mean you have or will have cancer, but we now it is the primary cause of several types of cancer.

What is the difference between HPV and genital herpes and can both cause cancer?

HPV (human papillomavirus) causes all kinds of warts -- on your hands, feet, knees, and genitals. Some subtypes of HPV cause genital warts; a few high risk types can cause cancer, including cancer of the cervix, anus, penis, vulva, head, and neck. The types of HPV that cause warts are not the types that cause cancer. Genital Herpes is caused by a herpetic virus, is not related to warts, and is not linked to cancer like HPV is. However, having genital herpes AND HPV increases your risk of cancer from the HPV virus.

WHAT STD can cause genital warts or cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is typically caused by HPV. Studies have shown some 70% of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer are caused by HPV.The Human Papilloma Virus can cause cervical cancer in women if it is left untreated.human paillomavirus(hpv)

Does hpv cause cancer in males?

HPV can cause anal, penile, and head and neck cancers in males.

Can cervical cancer cause HPV in males?

Most cervical cancer is caused by damage due to HPV. If the woman is still shedding HPV on the cervix, a man could get that strain of high-risk HPV.

How does the new medication Gardisil help treat HPV and cancer?

Gardasil doesn't treat HPV or cancer - it is only a vaccine that will help prevent you from transmitting a few of the strains of HPV that are known to cause cervical cancer.

What types of hpv cause cervical cancer?

About 15 high-risk HPV types have been identified which can lead to cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and 18 are most commonly associated with cervical cancer and together are estimated to account for 70% of cervical cancer cases.The HPV-16 strain is thought to be a cause of about 50% of cervical cancers.

Has the hpv vaccine caused women to get cervical cancer?

There is no evidence that HPV vaccine causes cervical cancer. Because the vaccine doesn't contain live virus, it can't cause HPV disease.

What is the specific cause of cervical cancer?

HPV is the single greatest cause of cervical cancer. The good thing is it can be detected early and prevented if regular PAP exams are given. HPV is a sexually transmitted virus and attacks the cells of the cervix. The beginning phase is a low grade lesion, followed by a high grade lesion, followed by carcinoma in situ, and then followed by microinvasive and invasive carcinoma. Again, the PAP exam can detect HPV changes early, and if regular exams are given, women will most likely never get cervical cancer...even if infected with the HPV virus.

What does hpv do?

HPV is the abbreviation for Human Papillomovirus. Some HPV types can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancer among women, penile cancer among men, and anal and some oropharyngeal cancers among both men and women. Other HPV types can cause genital warts among both sexes.

What is an expamle of a virus that can cause cancer in humans?

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Can hpv cause a disease or is it a disease?

HPV is a virus. It causes different types of ailments including warts and certain kinds of cancer.