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Lets start with, those items can be garnished. However, as they are personal, not Corporate, for them to go after them for most corporate debts (like income tax), they basically have to claim (and support) that the corporation was actually your "alter ego". But, if the Corporate debt your speaking of was payroll withholding (or any of those trust fund employer or employee FICA), in which case ALL officers (and even non officers if they were in a position of responsibility for them) are always entirely responsible individually. (The taking of these types of funds, which are actually your employees, is considered theft and fraud, and may be pursued criminally as well as "piercing the corporate veil").

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Q: Can IRS garnish pension and Social Security for payment of corporate taxes?
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What percentages does the IRS garnish from social security pension?

Ranging from 10% up to 97.5%

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Can credit card companies garnish pension and social security benefits automatically deposited into your bank account in Tennessee?

no way

Can social security payments and/or pension payments be garnished by a mortgage lender?

Social Security payments cannot be garnished at all. Pension payments sometimes can be, depending on a number of factors. Typically mortgage lenders do not garnish wages, though, they simply foreclose on the property.

Do you pay Medicare withholding on pension income?

They will take the money for the medicare payment out of your Socialized Security check.

Can senior citizen's Social Security and pension benefits be garnished for non payment of credit card debt?

No. If a creditor other than the federal government tries to garnish your Social Security benefits, inform them that such an action violates Section 207 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 407).

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Does a us citizen receiving dutch old age pension income treat the income as social security income for tax purposes?

No. It would be treated as a normal pension payment.

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Yes, your pension can be garnished for several reasons. If you owe child support or if there was a court judgement against you.