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Q: Can I have a very low blood pressure after my thyroid gland was removed if I don't take synthetic thyroid medicine?
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Can a Doctor take your Thyroid glands out and live without your Thyroid glands?

Lots of people live without thyroid glands, but they have to take synthetic thyroid. Typically the glands aren't surgically removed, they are killed with ingested radioactive iodine.

Does raw thyroid extract aid in weight loss?

I have had my thyroid removed, and I gained sooooooo much weight. When I was perscribed the synthetic thyroid, I was still gaining, when I supplemented it with the raw thyroid hormone, I lost weight, and didn't feel jittery. I love it and have lost 60 lbs

What happens if your thyroid glands are removed and you take no synthetic thyroid medicine?

They thyroid hormones are directly involved with the metabolism of the whole body. Excessive or reduced amounts of these hormones will adversely effect organ and body functions. Abnormally low thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) lead to decreased metabolism which basically means the body slows down. This leads to eventual organ failure and possible death. Some signs of hypothyroidism are extreme fatigue, hair loss and red/purple blotches on the skin. The reversal of these symptoms by the use of synthetic hormones, such as synthroid, is dramatic.

What is levothyroxine for?

Levothyroxine is a synthetic thyroid hormone used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland doesnot produce enough thyroid hormone.

What does it mean when your thyroid is dying?

you can get sick from not taking your thyroid medicine but you cant die from it.

What is levothyroxine used for?

Levothyroxine is a synthetic thyroid hormone used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland doesnot produce enough thyroid hormone.

Can half of the thyroid gland be removed?

Yes, half of the thyroid gland can be surgically removed. This surgery is known as a partial thyroidectomy. It is common that after half of the thyroid gland is surgically removed that a patient will need to start taking daily thyroid medication.

What is cidamil used for?

Could you mean Cytomel, a synthetic thyroid medication?

What is the medical term for nuclear medicine test that measures thyroid function is?

The thyroid scan and a radioactive iodine uptake test (RAIU), also known as a thyroid uptake, are types of nuclear medicine imaging.

Should you have your thyroid removed before the dr does a biopsy?

Thyroid removal is not necessary for a biopsy.

Can your thyroid start working again after taking thyroid medicine for 10 yrs?

very unlikely

What is Synthroid drugs?

Synthroid is a synthetic thyroid replacement. If your doctor has prescribed this, it is because one of the enzymes involved in the production of your thyroid hormone is off causing your thyroid levels to be low.