

Can I move out when im 16 in California?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, not just because of your age. You can petition the court to be emancipated at 14 - if you have good reason. Otherwise you are not emancipated until you are 18 years of age. To be emanicpated prior to 18 you have to petition the copurt to grant you emancipated status.

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Q: Can I move out when im 16 in California?
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Get emancipated.

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Yes, you can move out after you turn 16.

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No, you have to be 18 to move out without your parents permission unless you seek emancipation but you have to be 16 for that.

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If adult age in your state is 16 or older-yes

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No, you can not move to another country at 16 without parental permission.

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u can move in with me baby girl

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of cosz no.........

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Im pretty sure its 13 with a permit.No it's 16

Im 18 years old and you live in losangeles California at this age can you move from your parents house?


Can you move out at sixteen in California?

Yes, in the state of California you can legally move out at the age of 16. Other states require children be at least 17 years of age before moving out.

Can I move in with my 19 year old boyfriend if im 16?

No, you are not an adult at the age of 16. If you are having sex with your boyfriend then he is a child molester.