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To determine if your diamond is real, use a magnifying glass up and look at the diamond through the glass. Look for imperfections in the stone. If you're unable to find any, then the diamond is probably fake. the majority of real diamonds have imperfections also called inclusions.

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Donald Okhaigbe

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3y ago
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14y ago

Maybe - diamonds do cut glass, but so do other stones like quartz.

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Q: Can I really tell if a diamond is real by cutting glass?
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Can I prove that my diamond is real by cutting glass with it?

Not any more, now some man made can do that

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Real diamonds will cut glass, though there is speculation that some fake diamonds can cut glass, and that you can damage a real diamond by cutting glass with it. Another way to tell is to hold the diamond up in the light. If you see any orange color from the diamond, it is fake, as real diamonds have every color EXCEPT orange.

How can you tell the diamond is glass or not real?

Diamond should scratch a piece of glass.

How to find out if you have a real diamond?

a real diamond can scratch glass and if the diamond gets scratched it's fake

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A cubic zirconia WILL cut glass. The way to tell it apart from a REAL diamond is that only a real diamond will cut a cubic zirconia.

How can you tell a diamond is not real without all the hytech stuff?

a real diamond can cut glass, a fake diamond cant.

How do you test if a diamond is real at home?

Well, real diamond is having property to cut the mirror.So you can check out by cutting a piece of mirror at home and you can easily detect that if the diamond is real or not...

How can you tell the difference between a diamond and a fake dimand?

A real diamond will cut glass.

How can you tell the difference between a real diamond or a fake?

scratch the diamond against glass...if it scratches its real if it doesn't its fake

How do you find out if a diamond is real besides testing it with a diamond tester.?

A 'quick and dirty' test is to pass the diamond over glass. If it cuts the glass, it's probably a diamond. Some 'fake' diamonds cloud up under cold water; a real diamond remains clear. Finally, a certified gemologist will always be able to tell whether a diamond is a real diamond, or a 'fake' diamond -- using a diamond tester.

Why do people check to see if a diamond is real by rubbing it against glass?

Because diamonds are extremely hard and will cut glass. Diamond is the hardest material.

How do you find out how strong glass is?

'''''Get a real diamond and scratch it :This will solve one it the diamond is real or fake and two . If the glass is thin or weak went you rub the diamond on it <it will smash (Brake) Or if it is strong And thick it will just scratch it leaving you wilh the answer you desire......'''''