

Best Answer

No they could not. Belief is a personal matter and not motive for disfellowshipping. If an individual insisted on teaching doctrines either publically at the Jehovah's Witnesses meetings or from house to house, doctrines out of harmony with the present day understanding of scripture, such an individual may be disfellowshipped. This is extremely rare since individuals that do not agree with Jehovah's Witnesses teachings simply desist from attending their services or disassociate themselves voluntarily.

If a brother continued to believe in former teachings, such as;

The generation of 1914 being a literal generation

Organ transplants being cannibalism

Women who don't scream whilst being raped are guilty of fornication

Cutting off date for anointed being 1935

and went around telling others, he would be guilty of causing divisions.

At this time of the end we believe that to be saved and

"To keep in relationship with "our Savior, God," the "great crowd" needs to remain united with the remnant of spiritual Israelites." Watchtower 1979 November 15 p.27 Benefiting from "One Mediator Between God and Men"

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Q: Can Jehovah Witnesses be disfellowshipped by the watchtower for believing former teachings from the watchtower?
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Why were thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipped and shunned over former Watchtower teachings on the prohibition of vaccination and transplantation?

There are no figures publically available as to the number of Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowshipped over doctrinal issues but the Society has stated that by far those disfellowshipped are put outside of the religion because of sexual immorality. There is no biblical prohibition on organ transplants ("tranplantation"). Please, visit the official website at for genuine answers to these sorts of questions. They are happy to provide the public with this information.

Do the Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowship and shun members who find the bible disagrees with Watchtower doctrine?

Yes. If a member of the JW Church commits an offense, or is accused of doing so, a disciplinary council will by called by the church to try the individual. If this person is found guilty of an offense by a disciplinary council, he or she may be excommunicated, disfellowshipped and/or shunned.A disfellowshipped member may attend public meetings but may not take part in any other way or go on the ministry.Disagreeing with any of the Watchtower Society's rules or teachings can lead to a life time of shunning by all of the individual's Witness family and friends.Sources: WFacts - Facts About Jehovah's Witnesses, Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Official Web Site. Regarding doctrinal opinions, members that disagree with the Watchtower doctrine will not be disfellowshipped but promulgating or teaching contrary to the teachings of the organization (as published in their magazine "The Watchtower") while at the same time claiming to be part of said organization, could be judged as "apostasy" and would therefore be a disfellowshipping offense.Our 'Reasoning' book explains ''Apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of God, actually a rebellion against Jehovah God. Some apostates profess to know and serve God but reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible but reject Jehovah's organization.''Answer:We must first assume a member does find something in the Bible that disagrees with Watchtower doctrine as he sees it. If he keeps those findings to himself then he won't be disfellowshipped and shunned. If, however, he spreads those findings to other members and doesn't accept counsel from local elders to desist then yes he would be disfellowshipped and shunned as this would be viewed as apostasy.

Which little handbook outlines the main teachings of the Bible?

'What does the Bible really teach' published by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. You can get it for free from the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's really good. It's organized by questions and it takes you always to the Bible answers. If you don't have a Bible you can get a really great Bible from the Jehovah's Witnesses, it's made for studying. It has Charts, Diagrams, Maps to help you understand and learn more.

Who made up all the dos and don't of the Jehovah Witnesses?

All the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on reasoning from the Bible. The strict doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses have evolved over time through the interpretations of the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Protestant sect?

Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians, but they are not Protestants for the same reason that they are not Catholics-they recognize certain teachings of those religions as unscriptural.

Which is the ultimate source of God's word if a Jehovah's Witness was face with a decision between the Watchtower or the bible which would they choose?

The Bible is and will always be the ultimate source of knowledge of God and his purposes. Therefore, the watchtower society have and will always follow the Inspired scriptures in their teachings.

Is it possible that apostates could secretly exist in the Kingdom Hall but no one knows that they are apostate?

Yes, this is known to happen. Jehovah's Witnesses know that if they reject the teachings of the 'truth', they are to be shunned by the congregation. Since Witnesses are discouraged from forming friendships outside the congregation, the practice of shunning can be traumatic, leaving the person without social contacts. Thus, many prefer to keep to themselves the fact that they no longer believe the teachings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and continue to attend meetings, without really believing.

Why changed the watchtower the teachings concerning resurrection of Sodom and Gomorrah for YES in 1879 1965 1974 1988 NO in 1955 1967 1988 1989?

Because they want to teach the truth from the Bible, and are not afraid to change their teachings when they conclude they are wrong.

Why do JWs ignore 1 Timothy 5v8 and shun members of their own immediate family if those members have walked away from Watchtower teachings?

Answer 1:Those that voice their discord with official Jehovah's Witness doctrine and attempt to subvert the faith of others by propagating their personal views within the organisation in an attempt to turn others away may be disfellowshipped.Non believers or individuals that were raised in families (by JW parents) but that were never actually baptised Witnesses are not disfellowshipped.Answer 2:Voluntarily leaving the Jehovah's Witness organisation is not viewed as motive for "disfellowshipping" (shunning). People are disfellowshipped from the JW organisation for unrepentent acts such as child abuse, adultery or for smoking, drug use or theft.

How do Jewish people feel about Jehovah's Witnesses?

Answer 1Unless there is some pressing reason, we don't comment upon how non-Jews worship or what they believe; and nor do we proselytize.Answer 2Jews do not see Jehovah's Witnesses in any way different than they see Christians in general, which is that Christians are entirely entitled to their religion and way of life - it just is not the Jewish way. However, since Jehovah's Witnesses proselytize more openly, especially in Jewish areas, Jews have a slightly negative view towards them on account of the proselytizing. If Jehovah's Witnesses did not proselytize to Jews, Jews would have no opinion of them for or against.

Jehovah witnesses vaccinate their children?

In the past, it is pretty clear that Jehovah's Witnesses were against vaccinating their children. However, in modern-day times, the teachings seem to not be as strict, and many vaccinate.

What do Paul's teachings add to emergent Christian beliefs?

The letters and teachings of St Paul helped to give early Christian communities hope and strength to keep believing through hard times of persecution.