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Yes, if the ingredients are labeled as kosher and are cooked in a kosher pot. Such a dish would naturally be pareve. However, be careful before putting cheese on top as many brands of cheese are not kosher.

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Q: Can Jews eat pasta with tomato sauce and herbs?
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Do orthodox Jews eat pasta with pomodoro sauce?

Only if it's kosher.

Why do you eat bitter herbs at the seder?

It symbolizez the bitterness of life in ancient Egypt for the Jews.

What do Jews eat for Passover?

roasted lamb,flat bread,rotten egg and bitter herbs

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Rye Bread isn't Jewish. It is a common bread in parts of Europe, where many Jews lived/live. Jews in Italy eat pasta; Jews in Mexico eat tacos.

What does bitter herbs represent in Passover?

The bitter herbs (maror) symbolize the harsh slavery which the Israelites suffered in Egypt.See also the Related Link.More about Passover and its symbolic foods

Why is bitter herbs from horseradish in the sedar meal?

To remind the Jews the bitter years their nation experienced while being enslaved in Egypt.

Can Jews eat pasta?

Most certainly do eat pasta. There may be some who do not, but its difficult to find any information that would directly state they are not allowed to eat pasta as part of their religious beliefs. According to Wikipedia, strict Rastafarians avoid foods that are "canned, or preserved by drying," so some Rastafarians would avoid dried pastas.

Is the bitter herbs bitter?

yes.that's why it's called a bitter herb. Most Jews use horseradish for this part of the Passover ritual meal.

Why do Jew's have horseradish on Passover?

The main reason Jews eat Matzoh in Passover to commemorate the Jews' exodus from Egypt. Since the Jews were forced to leave in a haste they hadn't had time to wait for the bread dough to rise and as a result the bread was flat. Therefore, Jews eat Matzoh to remember the exodus. Jews start eating Matzoh on the first night of Passover at the Seder meal until the end of passover. All other products made of grains are prohibited during the holiday, but some secular Jews do not abide by this prohibition. This is one of the Jewish customs in Passover that symbolizes freedom and humility for the Jewish people.

Why do Jews eat horseraddish?

Horseradish is eaten during the Passover Seder in order to recall the bitterness of the slavery. Eating bitter herbs is mentioned in exodus ch.12.

Do jews eat pasta during passover?

Due to the prohibition against unleavened bread, raw flour cannot be used during Passover. In order to be used for Passover, dough has to be thoroughly cooked within 18 minutes of the flour being mixed with water. When pasta is made, water is mixed with flour and the formed pasta is left to dry without being cooked and therefore is not allowed. There are kosher for Passover pastas that are made with potato starch/flour.

What do Jews eat at the festival?

At which festival? When? In Biblical times, when Jews brought festival offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem, Jews took the meat from the offering home and ate it for dinner. This was particularly true of the Passover offering, where Jews were specifically commanded to eat it with unleavened bread an bitter herbs. Nowdays, particularly for Passover, Jews frequently consider beef brisket to be the most festive possible meal, while chicken comes in second best. There is a tradition of eating dairy meals -- meat free, on Shavuot (the Feast of Pentecost).