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When pregnant you shouldn't take aspirin but it can not cause miscarriage. Pepsi does def not cause anything but high blood sugar and possibly cavities.

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Q: Can Pepsi and aspirin cause miscarriage?
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No, Cortal is Aspirin and does not abort.

How many aspirins do you need to take to cause a miscarriage?

Aspirin does not cause miscarriage. It can damage the fetus though which is why you should stick to Tylenol when pregnant. If you need it often you have to speak to your doctor. If you seriously want to end the pregnancy you have to see a doctor for an abortion. Taking too many aspirin can kill you and not cause a miscarriage. If you survive you probably will have damaged your kidneys and liver for life. Which can kill you.

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Aspirin can cause Reye's syndrome

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No, normal physical activity does not cause miscarriage.

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A miscarriage may cause vaginal irritation.

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I've read studies that suggest frequent use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and similar pain pills can cause a miscarriage. It is just possible that they can but you would have to take enough to cause YOURSELF serious damage before you miscarried. OR you may cause damage to the baby without having a miscarriage. DON'T try it.

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No, the smell of cat litter cannot cause a miscarriage.

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Yes. LSD is known to cause uterus contractions, which can induce a miscarriage.

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No, sperm doesn't cause early miscarriage.

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Pepsi, and Bras

Can you have a miscarriage from the after pill?

You mean the morning after pill? No that does not cause miscarriage.