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Q: Can Shembe heal people
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Shembe is a spiritual leader of a Nazareth Baptist Church, in South Africa. The church is largely based at KwaZulu Natal Province. Lucky Dube was a follower in the later part of his life.

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Shembe UNyazi Lwezulu {Prof M.D Shembe} is the leader of Nazareth Baptist Church is South Africa. The Church headquarters are located at Inanda area at Durban. His church is one of the fastest growing and biggest in South Africa with millions and millions of followers. He is regarded as the African Messiah by his followers and many others.

Can people heal god?

No but God can heal you

Who is the God of black people in Africa?

If you mean the Christian god, it is generally accepted that God has no skin color, or that he is "the color of water." Additionally, he is thought to be omnipresent and to not necessarily have a body. However, if you are asking if people in Africa believe that their god(s) are black, it will of course vary from religion to religion. People tend to envision their gods similar to what they themselves look like, but Africa has been colonized by many European nations over the course of history and has been influenced thusly.

Is God not strong enough to heal people?

God is strong enough, but it is not always His will to heal people.

Where did jesus heal most people?

Jesus healed the people who asked him to heal them, and as long as they asked in faith , they were healed at once.

How do you spell the people who heal animals?

The people who heal animals are called veterinarians.

Essay about how people heal after suffering a loss?

You can find an Essay about how people heal after suffering a loss on

Do diabetic sores heal slower?

Yes. Diabetic people's scars often heal slower than people scars who aren't diabetic.

Can people of todays world heal people?

Yes but with Medicine.