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The Swine Flu is similar to the regular seasonal flu, many adults and children have died from it around the world, but the majority recover. Unlike the seasonal flu, however, less elderly people have been killed by the A-H1N1/09 swine flu than the regular seasonal flu. People over 65 are much less at risk from the swine flu than seasonal flu.

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Q: Can Swine Flu kill adults
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Related questions

What is the Swine Flu motto?

In Britain the Swine Flu motto is: CATCH IT BIN IT KILL IT

Should you kill people who have swine flu?


Who is likely to get Swine Flu?

Children and adults with poor immune systems.

Can you kill the Swine Flu with antibiotics?

No, antibiotics are for bacteria and swine flu is a virus. See the related question below for more information.

How can you defend yourself from Swine Flu?

Catch it Bin it Kill it

If Swine Flu can kill you then why not normal flu?

Normal flu does kill. In the USA alone it killed over 36,000 people in 2008! So if you were to find out the death numbers from flu in other countries the total would very high! Swine flu is just more of a concern as it is a new type of flu containing both bird flu and swine flu. Only very few people if anyone at all will have immunity from Swine flu.

Will Ionic Silver protect against or Kill the Swine Flu Virus?

No it can not.

Is that true that the swine flu will kill a third of the worlds population?


Is the Swine Flu in Oregon Salem yet?

is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet

Can sodium hypochlorite as an active ingredient in floor cleaner effective on Swine Flu bacteria?

Swine flu isn't a bacteria, its a virus, but sodium hypochlorite, a.k.a. bleach, does kill swine flu, along with all other types of influenza.

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

Do they inject a small dose of the Swine Flu to prevent it?

Yes, they do. This is because the immune system can find the swine flu viruses in your body and inactivate ("kill") them and will then remember how it did that so if you were to ever get exposed to swine flu after that, your body would already know how to fight it.