

Can Tamiflu treat parvo

Updated: 11/12/2022
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15y ago

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No. Take your dog to your vet right away.

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Q: Can Tamiflu treat parvo
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Will Tamiflu hurt a dog?

No, Tamiflu is for treating Parvo in dogs - if the dog does not have Parvo, it does not need Tamiflu.

What is an adult dose of tab Tamiflu?

adult dosage of tab.tamiflu to treat swinflu

Is there a trement for the Swine Flu?

They have created a drug called tamiflu which helps treat swineflu.

Symptoms and treatment of puppy 4 months old with parvo?

Vomiting, not eating or drinking, lethargy, a black or tarry stool, with a strong scent of iron. If you suspect Parvo, it is very important that you get your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible, and in the mean time do not expose any other dogs to the symptomatic animal, or the area.

Can you give a puppy bleach to treat parvo?

No!! The only treatment is hydration and veterinary care

If you were given Tamiflu as a precaution a month ago how long do you stay protected from the virus?

Tamiflu gives no protection from the virus. It is only used to treat the symptoms and make them less severe. The only protection from the virus is vaccination and that will only provide protection until the virus changes. It would have been given as a precaution to treat a possible infection the virus in the early stages, which is when Tamiflu is most effective.

Does Mexico have a supply of Tamiflu to be used to treat the swine flu outbreak?

Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordoba has stated that Mexico has 1 million doses of the drug Tamiflu and they will be distributed only by doctors and strictly controlled.

Can sheep get parvo virus?

no, horses can't get parvo, parvo is a disease that puppies get.

How do you pronounce parvo in spanish?


Will Tamiflu prevent influenza B?

No, Tamiflu is not very good at preventing the flu, although it can be used that way if started soon enough after symptoms begin. The better way to prevent the flu is with a vaccination. Tamiflu is intended for use to treat the flu and if given within the first 48 hours of infection it can speed the recovery and lessen the severity of the symptoms.

How do cats get parvo?

In animals, parvo passes from an infected mother to her offspring. Parvo is highly contagious. Most animals with Parvo will die before 6 weeks old.

If you get a swine flu shot will the swine flu disappear in a week?

The swine flu shot is used to prevent the flu, not to treat the flu if you already have it. To treat the flu, antiviral medications are more likely to be prescribed, such as Tamiflu.