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Q: Can Tylenol overdoses be tested forHow long would it have to have been to be tested for?
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Is Tylenol 325 stronger than Tylenol 500?

No, Tylenol 500 would be stronger than Tylenol 325. The ending numbers represent their milligrams. Tylenol 500 is Tylenol 500mg. Tylenol 325 is Tylenol 325mg.

Tylenol No 4 is Acetaminophen 325 mg and what would the Codeine mg be?

Tylenol 1 =8mg, Tylenol 2 = 15mg, Tylenol 3 = 30mg, Tylenol 4 = 60mg

Is children's Tylenol stronger than adult Tylenol?

I don't thnik so, or else why would it be "Children's Tylenol", and wouldn't FDA recall that? I mean it could be possible, but that would only be if Tylenol for adults is really weak.

What is better for children Ibuprofen or Tylenol?

i would say Tylenol, but that's just me. i have been buying Tylenol for years and it never let me down.

What are side affects from taking aspirin and Tylenol together?

If you take a dose of Tylenol and a dose of regular aspirin together, you would be overdosing, which could lead to death, but why would you do that when you could just take Tylenol brand aspirin, instead of a different type of Tylenol and an aspirin.

How many Tylenol 1 pills would equal the relief of one Tylenol 3?

Tylenol 1 is 325mg Acetaminophen w/ 8mg Codeine and 15mg Caffeine.Tylenol 3 is Tylenol #3: 300mg Acetaminophen w/ 30mg Codeine and 15mg Caffeine.There is not really an "equal" seeing that you would be taking more than double the Tylenol to get nearly the same amount of codeine. It's really not safe to take excessive amounts of Tylenol.

How does fioricet show up on a drug test?

Fioricet is Acetaminophen (which is Tylenol), Caffeine, and butalbital which is a barbiturate. Depending on what you are being tested for, the only thing that would show up would be the butalbital (which might be a benodiazepan). Benny might show up, but nothing else...Good Luck

Is Tylenol a catalyst?

Tylenol would be considered a catalyst. It is released into our systems after the drug comes in contact with the enzymes found with in our bodies.

What pill out of Tylenol Advil and Motrin works better?

I would say Tylenol, definitely. Advil secondly, Motrin thirdly.

Is Tylenol 500 a prescription medication?

No. Tylenol can be given OTC (over the counter) up to 1000mg per dose. That would be two Tylenol 500 tablets, which is considered Extra Strength.

How do you tell someone you want to be tested for diabetes?

I would like to be tested for diabetes please.

What defines a mean-tested program?

When something is mean tested it means it has been tested to the extreme. It would be a very thorough test.