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Provided you have read the drug information sheet with both products and it does not warn against taking one product with the other, when you take makes no difference since both are time realeased....but check with the prescribing doctor(s) first is always best.

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No, you cannot, unless you want to became deathly ill.

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Q: Can you take Zoloft welbutrin Vyvanse at the same time?
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Mixing Vyvanse and Zoloft?

Can Cause Serotonin disease. I am on zoloft and take vyvanse every once in a while. The two together increase the symptons felt when taking a vyvanse. Its pretty sweet

What drug do you take with Zoloft?

it depends on what issues you are trying to address. if it is low energy you can use welbutrin with Zoloft. i use both an they work well for me.

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I was wondering if I could take my multivitamin and zoloft at the same time. I'm worried about the obsorption of each if taken together.

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I take 300mg Wellbutron XL and 25mg of Zoloft Can I take SAMe?

I take 50mg Zoloft and 37.5 of Wellbutrin together every morning. It doesnt seem to have any additional side effects taking them at the same time.

Can you take adderall and Vyvanse at the same time?

sure why not its the same stuff just dont OD

Can someone take Ativan zoloft and xanax bars at the same time?

can zolof and xanax taken at the same time

Can you take Vyvanse and seroquel together?

vyvanse in the morning and seroquel at night

What cold medicine can you take if you are on welbutrin?

facebook and twitter lol

Can you take Lortab when you are on Zoloft?

yes you can take a narcotic / opiate / benzo with zoloft all compatible

What is the best schedule for Vyvanse zoloft and xanax for optimal absorption and therapeutic benefits?

Becareful with this combo, be aware of the risk of serotonin syndrome which is rare but serious so just be conscious of what the symptoms are just in case. I would say from my experience the best schedule for these drugs would be Zoloft first thing in the AM before you even get out of bed then have high protein breakfast because protein helps amphetamine cross the blood brain barrier then take your vyvanse, if you have coffee in the morning make sure you drink it before the vyvanse kicks in otherwise you could have a major anxiety attack then save the Xanax for as soon as you feel the comedown from vyvanse. If you take Xanax before or while vyvanse is peaking you'll kill both the vyvanse and it's pointless. Zoloft like any anti depressant should be taken around the same time eberydayn This is what has worked for but again be very self aware of what your playing with and be honest with yourself with dosage. My best advice from being on this combo for a while is lay off the Xanax and only use it for emergencies (IE panic attacks) if you use it for general daily anxiety or to sleep its very easy to become dependent and that's a slippery slope to addiction. Do some research on what makes vyvanse (dextroampetimine) more effective and add those things do your daily routine like staying away from acidic drinks during the day (a glass of OJ will almost completely nullify my vyvanse) start taking in lots of protein like protein shakes and drink tons of water

Can you take clonidine with Vyvanse?

If is completely fine to take the drugs Clonidine and Vyvanse. Clonidine will help you with your sleeping problems.