

Can a 16 year old go out with a 30 year old?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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The answer to this question is going to be dependant on a few things not mentioned in the question. In most states in the U.S. the legal age of consent (when you are old enough for sex) varies from 16 to 18 years of age. So you would need to check the laws in your locale to determine if this is a factor. If it is there can not be any physical relationship until both parties are of age. Remember even if a minor ay yes a person can still be charged by the state with statutory rape, which is a very serious felony with stiff jail sentances. These laws and age levels vary from country to country as well. So in answer to the question, YES a 16 year old can go out with an older person as long as the relationship is kept within socially acceptable norms. Just be careful

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