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A child in Missouri cannot freely decide which parent she wants to live with until she is 18. If her mother has legal custody the father can find himself in legal trouble if he allows the child to move in with him without any court intervention unless the mother consents to the change. If there is child support involved, the issue is more complicated. However, the father can request a change in custody in the court that has jurisdiction. There is a good chance of success because in Missouri the judge will listen to a teen's request and take it into consideration in making the ruling.

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Q: Can a 16 year old leave home and stay with her dad without the courts permission in kansas city Missouri they went to court in Independence?
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Can one parent take a child out of the state of Texas without the consent of the other parent?

No, you will need the other parents and the courts permission.

If you were never married to your baby's father do you have the legal right to move to another state without his permission or do you need to get permission from the courts first?

A mother has sole rights to her children unless/until a court order is issued giving the father custodial rights. If there is not a custody order from the court the unmarried mother may take the child/children and move whenever, wherever she wants.

Does a 16 year old mother have to get the father's permission to move out of state with the baby if she is moving with her parents?

That will depend on whether paternity has been established. If the mother is not married at, or within 300 day of the birth of the child, there is no legal father unless through the court. In that case, no one's permission is needed, however the father may bring suit himself. Under those circumstances, many courts will see allowing the move is in the best interest of the child. If there already is a court order in place, you need the court's permission, not the father's permission for the move.

Can one parent send their child out of state without the other parent's permission?

Yes because school teachers often do when they accompany pupils on overseas school trips. But they still need parental consent. Yes you can. You need to ask permission and get a letter signed by the child's legal guardians that allows you to take them out of the country and get it signed by the government.

Juvenile courts are courts of which type of jurisdiction?

Juvenile courts are courts of original and special (or limited) jurisdiction.

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I think so, however you will need the courts permission for the child to visit you and leave their home state.

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Not without the courts involved.

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No. In all states you need parental consent or the courts. 18 is the minimum age to marry without permission.

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No the custodial parent has to have either the courts permission or the non-custodians permission.

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Not without his fathers and the courts permission.

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If without the permission of the parent or the courts.

Can I move from pa with kids and primary custody without my ex's permission?

NO! as a matter of fact it may be deamed a criminal act. You can however try to get the courts permission if your ex is resisting it.

Can you move in with a other family member if you don't like living with your parents?

As a minor you can not move anywhere without their or the courts permission.

In Missouri are the criminal courts called circuit courts?

Circuit courts do hear most of the criminal cases in Missouri, but circuit courts also hear civil, family law, and a variety of other cases. Some minor criminal offenses may be heard by municipal courts, which have jurisdiction over ordinance violations that occur within a particular town or city's limits. For more information on Missouri courts, visit the Missouri Courts Directory related link.

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No, you need both his and the courts consent.

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No. A minor can not get married in any state without the parents and/or the courts permission.

In Arkansas can a noncustodial parent terminate rights?

Not without the permission of the courts and the mother, AND provided the mother is not, nor will in the future, collect AFDC.