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No, they can't. Any minor under the age of 18 period cannot be questioned by authorities. It's considered illegal.

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Q: Can a 16 year old mentally challenged child be questioned by police without parents in new york state?
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Were either of Hitler's parents mentally challenged?

There is no historical evidence or consensus suggesting that either of Hitler's parents were mentally challenged. His father, Alois Hitler, was a customs officer, and his mother, Klara Hitler, was described as a gentle and caring person. However, it is important to note that without proper medical examinations or documented evidence, it is challenging to definitively assess someone's mental health from the past.

Can a 16 year old mentally handicapped child be questioned by the police without parent or guardian preset?

yes but she has to live with a parent

What to do if a mentally challenged person hit you?

Well, just tell an adult. They should be able to take control without any trouble.

Can a 15 year old be questioned by police at school without a parent or guardian resonable effort to contact parents or guardian before questioning in Minnesota?

Yes, they can be questioned. No, they do not have to answer or even stay where the officer asks them to be.

What is the lowest IQ you can possibly have?

An IQ below 20 is the lowest IQ that a person can have. Having an IQ below this is all pretty much the same in terms of brain intelligence, cognitive reasoning ability, interpretation, brain capacity, etc. It is indicative of profound mental retardation.

Can a 5 year old be questioned by police or social services without parents the incident did not involve accusation of parental abuse?

I don't think they can do that so no!

In Washington can a 16-year-old girl move in with an adult that is not family without her parents' permission if she is being mentally abused?

No, not without parental consent or legal emancipation.

Your mother-in-law has a mentally challenged daughter who gets a check every month from the state and spends it on herself and does not use any of it for her daughter Is this misappropiation of funds?

The question is worded in a confusing manner. If you mean that Mother-in-law gets a check for the benefit of her mentally challenged daughter but does not use it for that purpose - then the question must be asked - How do you know this for sure? Maybe it frees up other money that she might not normally have to use for the benefit of the daughter. If you have proof that the mentally challenged daughter is mis-treated or in a bad way due to neglect - by all means contact Social Services or law enforcement to have them look into it. Without any proof - you don't have much.

Can a 16 year old in North Carolina terminate her parents custody without her parents consent if she was mentally and physically abused?

yes, it is possible if you were to assult the parents, and inflict enough harm to be a physical threat, in which case you would be an orphan ={

Can a 16 year old charged with disorderly conduct be questioned by police without parents?

a young person of 16 years of age is charged with disorderly conduct. they believehave acted improperly during their arrest by questioning them while their parents were not present.

Can a 16 year old be arrested and handcuffed without a parent being there?

Of course. Since a 16 year old can commit a crime without their parent's attendance, they can also be arrested without their parents. Whether or not they can be questioned is a different matter and should be researched locally if necessary.

Can your 16 year old be questioned at school in Michigan after requestig the presents of her parents?

Of course you can continue to be questioned, however, anything you say cannot be used against you in most circumstances. In theory a minor cannot be questioned by Police without the presence of a lawyer or legal parent/guardian. A school official though, does not need your parent present to question you, but you do have the right to request him/her to stop questioning you until a parent arrives.