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Q: Can a 16 years old take a driving theory test?
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Can you pass your driving test without doing your theory test?

NO! You must pass your theory test before you are even allowed to take the practical driving test.

How much is a driving theory test?

A driving theory test is currently £31 (August 2012)

Can you take a theory test at 16 years old?


What are some websites that have information on driving theory?

In Europe, driving theory is another name for a driving test. The easiest links can be found at the official UK driving theory test, where materials and other resources are available.

WHAt year did british theory driving test start?

The first year for mandatory driving testing was 1935. Anyone who had started to drive in 1934 or later was required to take the test.

Do you have to retake your driving test if it has been four years since you lost your license?

Yes, you will be required to take the written test again. The driving part of the test is at the examiners discretion if you need to take that part or not.

How old do you have to be to take your driving test in England in 2009?

17 years of age

What is another name for a driving theory test?

A driving theory test is sometimes know as the briesling test of active brain junction paradoxical continuum for those who study psychology and psychiatry.

What do you do if you lose your driving theory test certificate?

FOR United KingdomThe DSA oversees the driving theory test. Contact details found in Related links below.

How old do you have to be to take a driving lesson?

I think you can take a test when you turn 18. Although it's better to take a lesson when you are at the age when you can get your driving license. I passed my driving test from a very professional driving school. I will surely recommend them here.

What does the DSA Theory Test tell?

The DSA Theory Test is a written test for when someone in the UK wants to go for a driving license. It will ask questions regarding driving laws in the UK and the persons knowledge of the laws.

How long is a british driving test?

The practical driving test lasts 70 minutes, the theory test takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes.