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Having a child does not emancipate a person. You are still a minor until you turn 18.

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Q: Can a 17-year-old child with a 5-month-old baby move out on her own?
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Can a 17-year-old get married and move out without parental consent when she has a baby?

Whether you have a child or not, you

In New York can a pregnant woman move out of state without the consent of the babys father?

In any state, a pregnant woman can move out of state because the unborn baby does not have legal rights yet. Therefore, the father of the child has no rights over the woman or child. But, if you wait to move until the baby is born then he can file with a court to not allow you to move. So, if you want to get away and have a better chance of solely keeping the child... move now.

If you're not married to the father of your baby and decide end the relationship who gets custody of the child and can you move the child to another state?

The court decides and no.

Can you move out when you're 16 and have a baby?

Only with parental consent. You don't get more rights when having a child as a minor. You just get rights to the child.

Is it normal to feel your baby move under your belly button?

Yes it is normal to feel your baby move under your belly button I'm pregnant with my third child and you feel the baby move any where it feels like kicking or turning. The only time you need to worry is if your baby inst moving at all.

Can you move out of the house at the age of 17 if you have a baby in Idaho?

No, a child does not emancipate you in any state, only regarding your health and everything regarding the child. You still have to do as your parents say and can not move out without parental permission.

Do you have to tell the baby's mother if I move when im paying child support?

No, but you have to tell the venue that issued the support order.

What rights does a husband have to baby with a mistress?

Your husband has the right to raise the baby if he is the father. By law a man needs to support that child till he or she turn legal age. The only question now is, if your husband knows about the child will he leave you and move in with his mistress and his baby. He is in a big mess right now if that baby is his..

Can a 17 year old legally move out if she has a child?

Only with parental permission. Having a child does not emancipate you. Only regarding the baby and health decisions regarding yourself.

What to look when buying winter clothes for a baby?

Make sure the material is loose and flexible so it will allow your child to move freely. The material should be warm enough to keep your baby's body heat in but not too hot to where it overheats your child.

What should you do if your 2 year old baby drank the dogs water?

Relax, laugh a bit, and move on, the child was just doing what he/ she saw the dog do. The water will not harm the child.

Are baby swings safe for toddlers, or not?

Baby swings are designed for babies and they will outgrow them when they are about 6 months old although this will vary from child to child depending on the speed of their development. Once this happens it is essential to move your child up to a swing that is graded for their size and weight as using a swing which is not designed for the age your child is would be unsafe.