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You can fit a 5 gallon fish tank on a school going desk.

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Q: Can a 5 gallon fish tank fit on a school desk?
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What fish can you put in a five gallon tank?

you can put a betta in a 5 gallon tank

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normal rule for fish in a tank is: For every 1 inch of fish there is 1 gallon of water

i have 150 gallon Fish Tank, size 20"x66" to cover it. please reply me.?

In that 150 gallon fish tank try to put fish and maintain it

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1 gallon tank what type of fish can you put in it?

A 1 gallon tank could have one betta fish, but you will need to be diligent about changing the water on a regular basis. The smallest tank that should be used, even for a betta, is a 2.5 gallon tank as it at least gives the fish swimming room.

What fish do well in a 36 gallon tank?

You could have a school of neon tetras (approx 6), or 1 fancy goldfish

What is the smallest tank for a bearded dragon?

Depending on the size and age of your beardie. For a baby it can be housed in as small as a 10 gallon fish tank For an adult no less then a 40 gallon fish tank

How many beer bottles fit in a 100 gallon tank?

This is simply funny if it really means a fish tank.About 1025.5 for a standard 100 gallon fish tank if the beers are 12 fl oz.Remember fish tank gallon sizes are measured by outside dimensions.

How many gallon fish tank should you get for 6 fish?

The rule of thumb is usually a gallon per fish, so six gallons would be good. If the fish are on the large side (like a goldfish), then a seven gallon tank would be ideal.

Do guppies need a heater in a 5 gallon fish tank?

If the temperature is around 20 degrees (Celcius) probably not. But for a five GALLON fish tank, probably.

What is a good fish that breeds well is very hardy and can survive in a 70L AKA 15gal fish tank?

Guppy's are the best fish for breeding out there, and you could of a school of 8 in a 15 gallon tank. They come in many vibrant colors.