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As long as the frog is able to reach the surface to breathe as needed with out having a way to escape it should be fine. A tall plant or other decoration placed in the back corner for perching would be beneficial.

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14y ago

Yes always. They never come out of the water onto dry land.

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Q: Can a African dwarf frog live in water that is over 1 ft tall?
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Is it all right to feed an African dwarf frog crickets?

No, it is not alright to feed an African Dwarf frog crickets. African Dwarf Frogs diet consist of, live guppy fry, bloodworm, dried krill or shrimp and tadpole bites.

What aquarium frog can be kept in a 5 gallon tank with fish?

The African dwarf frog can indeed live with fish in a five gallon aquarium. BUT BEWARE!!! dwarf frogs may eat your fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. so i recommend Platy and live-bearers as companions.

Why do African dwarf frogs live at the bottom of water?

African Dwarf Frogs live at the bottom so prey cannot get them.

What kind of frogs live in swamps?

There is the African Dwarf frog, then there is the African Clawed frog which is illegal in most states, because they have very good potential to be an invasive species. Sumerian Frogs also live a great deal in the wild.

Where do freshwater frogs live?

Frogs cannot tolerate salt and they all need to live near water. Technically, every frog in the world is a freshwater frog, because if it is too far away from fresh water it will die. Some frogs are exclusively aquatic and never leave the water for anything. The African Dwarf Frog and African Clawed Frog are the best known of these because they are popular additions to aquariums. Its also a type of poisonous lizard

Can 2 tetras 1snail 1glofish 1platy 1guppy and 1African dwarf frog live together?

well the snail, tetras, platy and guppy will be suitable to put together. the one African dwarf frog will not. try not to mix the frogs with fish because the frog will need a dry area

Where do African tree frogs live?

it lives in Africa

What amphibians live in the African savanna?

African Bull Frog

Where do African Dwarf Frogs live?

in Africa in small fresh water lakes full of micro shrimp and plankton Africa.

What biome does the African clawed frog live in?


Where do the African tree frog live?

it lives in africa

Can you hold a Dwarf frog out of the water?

African Dwarf Frogs, though able to come out of water, can't live without H20. Their skin dehydrates very quickly and the frog can become serously stressed out if it's out of water. It's best to leave the frog(s) in the tank instead of trying to handle them.