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That depends on if they're even going to heaven or not. This is a controversial issue that tons of people have different ideas on. But always remember: "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7

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Q: Can a Catholic and a Mormon go to the same heaven if they love each other?
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Made in Heaven

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) believe that marriages performed outside of the Temple are for "time only", meaning that the marriage will only last until death, and the couple will not remain married in heaven. If the couple is not 'sealed' together in the temple in their lifetime, they can be sealed together by proxy after death. If this 'sealing' never takes place, the couple will not be married to each other in heaven. A 'sealing' is an ordinance that can be performed at the time of the legal marriage or any time after. To be 'sealed', a couple will kneel at an altar in the temple and their union will be blessed to last throughout eternity. If they each live faithful lives, they will not be separated at death, but will remain together in heaven. So if a Mormon gets married and never has their marriage 'sealed' in the temple, and nobody performs this sealing for them after they die, they will not be with their spouse in heaven.

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Yes. People of different religious beliefs can be good friends learn from each other.

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heaven is called swarga in sanskrit, language of Hindu Sacred Texts. also Hinduism includes many languages and each of them are completely different from each other.

Which hotels have the book of Mormon in each room?

Many hotels in Utah have a Book of Mormon in addition to a Gideon's Bible in each hotel room. Also, most Marriott hotels worldwide have both a Book of Mormon and a Gideon's Bible in each room as well.

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Of course not, the terms are incompatible with each other, mutually exclusive.

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I go to a Catholic school and a lot of people are dating each other so I think it's OK