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Your question is a little confusing as Catholic schools are normally full of Christians for the simple reason that the Catholic Church is the original (and only fully) Christian Church. You are probably using the term "Christian" to refer to a protestant or a so-called "non-denominational Christian", in which case I can assure you that your child is much better off in a Christian school run by the Catholic Church then a public school for a multitude of reasons. Catholics schools have many non-Catholic students, and fully respect the rights of non-Catholic students to be non-Catholics. However, your child would still have to attend all classes and religious services, but that would probably be far healthier for them then attending the required sex indoctrination in most public schools these days, in my humble opinion.

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Q: Can a Christian be okay with sending their children to Catholic schools?
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How did Catholic schools develop?

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholic schools originally developed from people sending their children to the monasteries to be educated. The modern system of elementary and secondary schools developed, say in the United States, due to the protestant nature of the public school system.

Where can I find an online list of Christian schools in my area, as well as information on Christian home-schooling?

The website has several articles on the benefits and risks of homeschooling versus sending your children to private school. Also, search for what Christian schools are in your area, and check their specific websites to see if you agree with their philosophy of teaching.

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the opposed becuase they didnt want to chang their religon and or they thought the schools were not good for their kids

Why did some immigrants oppose sending their children to public schools?

the opposed becuase they didnt want to chang their religon and or they thought the schools were not good for their kids

Your kids want to go to Catholic schools but you are not Catholic so is that ok?

Certainly, my cousin is not Catholic but she is sending her two sons to the local Catholic school. The Catholic schools are historically know for an excellent education along with instilling a high moral and ethical standard into their students. A good number of the students in our local Catholic school are not Catholic. Just call the local parish office, or school office and they will tell you what is necessary for enrollment.

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The spread of H1N1/09 in Texas is slowing as of March 2010, and schools have done a good job of educating parents about not sending children to school if they are sick. Therefore, no school closings have been necessary of late.

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Five Benefits of Sending Your Child to a Christian School?

Christian school can be one of the first educational choices for families of faith, but there are countless benefits to having your child attend a Christian school beyond that fact. These five benefits of sending your child to a Christian school can help you decide if your child needs a change. 1. Christian school will offer your child a more individualized education. Most Christian schools offer smaller class sizes, increased attention from teachers and staff members, and quick action whenever a problem arises. Christian schools offer a close-knit network between the school, the students, and the parents, which adds to a greater feeling of belonging for your child. 2. Uniforms will help your child perceive their classmates for their personalities, not their clothes. Many Christian school students enjoy the function of the uniforms to not only associate them with their school pride, but the ability of the uniforms to ease things like social status between families. Uniforms also cut down on clothing costs, helping the family budget. 3. You can choose the amount of faith based education that your child is exposed to. Many Christian schools focus rigorously on teaching religious education to the point of children memorizing Biblical passages as a requirement. However, other Christian schools simply stress excellent moral character without polarizing the classroom. If you practice a different faith at home, you shouldn’t rule out Christian school for your child without inspecting the policies of the school in question. 4. Christian schools offer your child more opportunities to serve the community. Community service is often built into the school day, and many extracurricular activities at Christian schools offer more opportunities for your child to make a difference. Pancake breakfasts, car washes, candy sales, home visits, and other outlets for volunteering will present themselves to your child. 5. By choosing a Christian school, you will no doubt as a parent become more involved in your child’s education. Christian schools often have much more diverse events going on at the school than public schools, and the wealth of extracurricular activities and school committees will provide you with a way to become involved in your child’s educational experience.

How big were the ancient greek schools?

Children were educated at home by parents. Richer families could afford a tutor, either sending male children to small classes, of if really rich, having the tutor teach them at their home.

What role did catholic church play in governing Spain's American empire?

The Catholic played their role by sending their missionary into South America.