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The spread of H1N1/09 in Texas is slowing as of March 2010, and schools have done a good job of educating parents about not sending children to school if they are sick. Therefore, no school closings have been necessary of late.

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Q: What schools in Texas have shut down for swine flu?
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When will schools shut down for swine flu?

Some already have.

Why are schools shutting down?

schools shut down if one case of swine flu has been found, becasue this way less people are likely not to catch the flu.

Effects of Swine Flu on education?

schools could be shut down or students would have to wear special masks

Why is Mexico starting to shut down schools?

Question: In Mexico lots of schools are being shut down. Why? Answer: Well, because the Swine Flu has spread so much that the staff and councils worry that one sick child might soon effect the entire school, sinch the Swine Flu is very contagious. I hope this helps you, and if you want to find more about it you can always check the newscast.

How many schools will be closed cause of Swine Flu?

That is a hard question to answer and is decided by each school district or individual school if swine flu cases are present in their systems. Regardless of when schools are shut down, any student diagnosed with swine flu should stay home until all chance of infecting others is over and they are completely over it.

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There are no plans to do that.

Why is it bad to shut down schools?

cuz u dont learn

Will Barack Obama shut down schools?

While some students probably wish this were true, it is not. There is no evidence that President Obama plans to shut down schools. That said, he does expect schools to improve the quality of the education they deliver, and wants to reward those schools that demonstrate success in student achievement.

Is Interstate 10 closed from Texas to Louisiana due to hurricane conditions?

No. I-10 does not shut down.

How many schools were closed during the great depression?

many schools shut down. Most of them were out in the west.Most kids were unable to afford school either

Should schools be shut down because of H1N1 virus in Mexico?

yes, people are dieing in Mexico. =[