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For a short period of time, HIV does survive on a needle in air.

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Q: Can a HIV virus survive on a needle in air?
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Is the hiv virus remains present on needle in the air?

For a short period of time, HIV does survive on a needle in air.

Can hiv survive or live on personal lubricant or baby oil?

NO, The HIV virus becomes inactive and unable to infect when it is exposed to air.

How long can the virus survive in the air?

This will depend heavily on the virus you are asking about - the influenza virus is relatively hardy while the HIV virus is destroyed pretty quick.

Is HIV a air bourne virus?

No. HIV is a STD.

I stood on a syringe on the beach could I get HIV?

The odds of HIV transmitting through such a scenario is extremely unlikely. Because of the frailty of the virus, any exposure to air will break the virus down within minutes. There is some debate that in a vessel such as a needle, it may be possible for the virus to stay intact for longer, due to blood in the needle being minimally exposed to air. However because HIV will also die in temperatures deviating more than 3 or 4 degrees from the human norm, even if the HIV virus were to escape death through air exposure, temperature will kill it shortly. Thus even HIV in needles will not be able to survive for more than perhaps 10 minutes. So while it is technically plausible for such a scenario to happen, the window of opportunity is extremely small and thus extremely unlikely.

Can HIV spread from airbone contact?

NO. its a pathogen that is transmitted only through bodily fluids other then the digestive tract

Can dried blood contain HIV?

If the blood on the clothing has been exposed to air and has solidified, then there is zero chance of you becoming infected. Strange as it may seem, air is the most efficient means of killing HIV - so once it is exposed to air, HIV can only survive for a matter of minutes. The only circumstances in which HIV will survive outside of the body is if it is kept warm and moist in some sort of airtight container .. such as a syringe / hypodermic needle.

How long does a needle stay infected with hepaitis c virus?

HIV is not able to live outside the human body for long. Once exposed to air, the virus will die within a matter of minutes. However, in the case of a syringe, the interior is a vacuum and is devoid of air, which means the virus can live longer. The best practice is to avoid using needles unless you are sure they are new. It is possible to properly clean needles. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) suggests using a solution of 1 part bleach, 2 parts water to clean and flush products before using.

What do you call virus caught by air?

A virus that can survive to infect others through the air is called an airborne virus.

Can HIV live in Coca Cola?

No, HIV can't live in Coca-Cola. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV can only live inside the human body and dies shortly after being exposed to air. HIV is a STD (sexually transmitted disease).

Can infected blood the virus of HIV live in a plastic bag?

There has to be absolutely no air at all. Maybe, just maybe it could survive in a medical blood bag. there's a lot of factors im not sure about.

How long can the HIV virus survive in a dead body?

HIV dies within a matter of minutes after leaving the body, relative to the external conditions it is exposed to and the amount of fluid present. The time window for its life is very, very short.