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Jehovah's Witnesses take the matter of dating very seriously.

They do not date casually and typically date people they think might become a marriage mate. Therefore, waiting to date until you are old enough to get married is the preferred course.

In addition, because the matter of faith is of utmost importance, Jehovah's Witnesses do not date outside of their faith. The differences between the two religions would result in a great challenge in the marriage, especially when children arrive.

See related links for more information.

Answer from a CatholicPeople should not date at all until they are old enough to be planning to wed, and then they should only be dating people that they are seriously considering wedding. The modern concept of dating for companionship or more serious things is a open invitation to sin. If one is in school, one should be concentrating on school and save "dating" for when one is ready to marry. Catholics call this "courting", to find out the difference between courting vs. dating, please listen to the clip at the link below which is a whole program on courting vs. dating. Catholics should not court a Jehovah Witness, until such time as the Jehovah Witness converts. The object of marriage is for the partners to help each other to heaven, and raise children for heaven. Marrying, much less "dating" someone outside the faith is a recipe for disaster.
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